Author Topic: Female Gear Guide from RevZilla  (Read 575 times)

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Female Gear Guide from RevZilla
« on: April 02, 2022, 12:43:35 PM »
For the Female riders, here's RevZilla's latest gear guide for Women riders.

Guys, no leacherous comments or sexual harassment of our female compatriots on our forum, I will come visit you and sit on you until you repent of your cro-magon ways.

Be respectful, we know RevZilla's female video lady is pleasing to the eyes and warms her husband's bed sleeping beside him... Or curled up spooning with him. That's their business and the line from Princess Bride is appropriate, "Madam, you lust for what you cannot have!"
Adapted for the males: "Sir, you lust for what you cannot have!"

So, don't creep women out by staring or repeatedly watching them. If you think a woman is beautiful or pretty or attractive, then talk to her and tell her your name that you keep looking at her because you find her beautiful, attractive, or pretty and then say your good byes a d walk away and don't be watching her or looking at her constantly, tell her you you need to change seats or move to the other side of your table as you keep wanting to look at her as it makes your heart beat faster.

Pretty women I am attracted to need not be gorgeous or what others feel are gorgeous or pretty, the eyes, the banter we have and the laugh is very very important to me. As is the beauty on the inside.  Many very pretty women are used to the leacherous looks and comment and will not give you the time of day as they tire of the guys trying to get into their pants so they have a hardened wall up about anyone telling them what they already know...

David- back in the desert SW!

Offline BomberMann650

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Re: Female Gear Guide from RevZilla
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2022, 04:51:00 PM »
On the rare occasion a lady has asked me what gear to buy.  I tend to recommend Go-Go kevlar leggings and Cortech's line of jackets.

Unless they want something with a massive hdmc logo on it.  In which case, all bases are loaded at the dealer.

Offline Don R

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Re: Female Gear Guide from RevZilla
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2022, 10:12:56 AM »
 My daughter was along at a drag race expo, they had the rare women's fire suits on display but too many guys creeped her out while she was looking at them. She bought online instead. 
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