On Monday I had some more minor surgery on my back. (RF denervation of lower back) Yesterday (Tuesday) I had a "sick day" as I'm not supposed to work the day after having general anaesthesia so I cleaned the carb on the DT250 again (was a little bit of crap in it, but not much) and swapped in a new needle and seat, floats, and the main and pilot jets. Made no difference, either the coil is bad (probably) or there's a bad earth (probably again) today I'll try to remove the coil and give it and the frame a good clean, and run a separate earth to the battery's negative terminal, and I'll run another one to the engine, like I do on most of my bikes.
A guy on the FB DT page suggested that I check the wire from the neutral switch to see if it was broken, but after 45 years I couldn't even see the wires due to the buildup of old chain lube and crap. The good thing about a dirt bike that only weighs 50 pounds more than I do, was I could lay it on it's side, then blast it with my 5000 psi 6.5 HP petrol powered pressure washer, and now the underside of the engine is as clean as it should be. Sadly the wire was intact, so I'll keep looking.
I sat and had a smoke, and remembered that I'd meant to install the new battery in my T350, so took a break from the Yam, and dragged the little Suzy out of the garage. I installed the battery, but didn't get a spark. Bugger. I started looking at the wiring, and spotted the 55 year old fuse assembly looked a bit too "Old school" with just two wires going into a plastic bag, with a fuse in between two uninsulated connectors. I jiggled it and immediately got spark, but as soon as I replaced the sidecover, it stopped again, so I replaced it with a modern, weather proof fuse.
T350 Tuesday 5 March 2024 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Now that the spark had returned, I filled the tank with horrible old fuel that I'd drained from both Ducati's, ranging between 2 and 4 years old. Two stroke's don't seem to be too fussed at stale fuel, and it fired right up after 5 kicks, for probably the first time in 3 years or so. I do have a Youtube "Short" of it running, but for some reason can't post it here. If you want to see it running, do a search on Youtube for "Terry's Bikes" and look at the "Shorts" in my channel.
I really must spend a couple of hours sorting out the wiring, and take it for a ride, with almost twice the BHP, it might be a contender to the DT250 as a "nice day commuter". I'll give it a wash today and pump the tyres up, and take it for a quick lap.

T350 Tuesday 5 March 2024 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr