Nice Gloves Trevor, geez David isn't moving far, about 60Km? Anyhoo, after getting some bad (expensive) news about some repairs required for my new (22 year old) truck to get thru it's roadworthy inspection last week, I remembered that I was gonna get my "Hindenburg" BMW K100RS to Jeff to do the Roadworthy Inspection so I can occasionally ride it to work. I'd received a replacement "stick on" mirror from England and I'd bought some used parts for it a few weeks ago including some footpeg assemblies, because new footpeg rubbers are quite expensive, so I installed them, and gave it a bit of a de-grease underneath. (not leaking any fluids, just coated with 40 years of road grime)
I rode it over to Jeff's after buying an unregistered bike permit, and bumped into a mutual friend (who I need to contact again about a possible bike swap for one of my other bikes) so we just shot the sh1t while Jeff did all the checks, and gave me my new certificate. I rode it home again and took some shots to send to my club "Classic Plate" coordinator.
K100RS Roadworthy Sat 1 Jun 2024 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
The weather was cold and threatening rain so I didn't do any more riding, instead I dropped the oil out of the other BMW (with the blown engine) and removed the oil/water pump that I restored a couple of weeks ago. I took it over to Spotty's place today, and gave it a good cleaning, then installed it on the "new" engine I bought for it a couple of weeks ago, that Spotty and I cleaned up and painted last weekend.
K100RS Sunday 2 June 2024 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
K100RS Sunday 2 June 2024 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
On Friday I received another care package from Motobins (BMW parts dealer) in Britain, which included a clutch alignment tool. Spotty and I had carefully marked, removed, and cleaned the clutch in the "new" engine and measured the clutch plate, which was perfect, (better than the one in the white bike, which slipped occasionally) but needed the alignment tool like you do when installing a clutch in a proper rear wheel drive car. I probably could have machined one up, but for the equivalent of $10 USD, I couldn't see the point, and it held the clutch plate exactly where it needed to be while I torqued the clutch back together.
K100RS Sunday 2 June 2024 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Only around 3 hours work today, but it was both cold, and miserable, so we both thought we'd spent enough time on it. Next weekend we'll hook up the trailer and tow the white BMW over to Spotty's place to separate the engine/trans/rear wheel from the frame, remove the engine, and bolt up the new one. Hopefully, it'll start and run, and all will be right, with the world.