I just learned that the next door neighbor in this 2nd floor apt building with it's thin walls and her very noisy boyfriend(pounding army boots up and down the stairs & thin walkway outside my door)who does this at all hours:I hope they are Moving OUT !! whew

I'm really hoping the new neighbor will be Nice.
I may have spoke too soon..

as the same neighbors have spent the night in #12.. Their footsteps have gotten a bit quieter,after I reported the noise to the property manager yesterday.
I really do hope they will be moving out though ! Lotsa water under that bridge.. who needs it.
Edit:I have made a decision to look around,seriously and find the best location I can afford on SS and get out of this situation;too many difficult circumstances and no one seems to care here.I just need to find a place that's right for me,where I can find authentic individuals who are trustworthy to make friends with.
I've moved before and have had high hopes for a good change;I just need to renew my hopes.