Hey Brother Chris, welcome.
Not sure what your goals are for the bike. That does matter here. You will get answers directing you in a gazzillion directions.
The 350/4 is cool and makes a great little road bike. Breaks my heart to see the gas tank off one on another bike. That means that there is one less left to ride.
I'm not sure if anyone ever made CR carb kits for it? maybe use some 400F parts. I believe that they share a lot of parts as far as the engine goes. They did race the 400F and Yoshi' had carbs, pipes and cams.
Also unsure if you would gain much for the $$$ and effort? If you have the proper carbs and can salvage them, that should be PLAN #A unless you a buttload of other engine mods in mind. hummmmmm. could be a fun bike

If you can tune 1 carb then you can tune 4. If you can tune 4 then you can tune a rack of CRs. Takes paintents and practice.
If it's a real "beater" then weight-loss might give you more performance gains than a high dollar carb swap. By the term "beater" I mean one that isn't worth trying to restore because all the expensive eye-candy is all rusty or gone. Not an easy bike to restore, parts are scarce.
LIGHTWEIGHT OR ELIMINATE is the cheapest way to go. Not only a better power to weight ratio but better brakes and better turning...... all for free

Hopefully. you will get some more"educated" replies. Or should I say "More educated"