Author Topic: CB550 trouble starting after warmed up  (Read 362 times)

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Offline MN550

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CB550 trouble starting after warmed up
« on: May 16, 2022, 04:52:24 PM »
Hey all, noob here so bare with me. Picked up a 74’ cb550 earlier in the spring. Finally able to get out and ride and am having issues getting it started AFTER riding for a bit. Cold starts quick, usually do not need to choke but sometimes requires half choke just to get started then can return to off position. Once running she goes like a beast no sputters, no backfires, only issue is high idle that I have to adjust as I go but overall seems to run great. The issue is once I stop and shut off the bike, she doesn’t want to start back up. When I go to start it I can smell gas but no overflow. I usually just let it sit for 10ish minutes and then it’ll fire right up again. Guy I bought it from said carbs are “tuned to stock minus bigger jets which is what the pods call for.” I assume my issue lies in the carbs/pods but not totally sure where to start. Suggestions? Thanks in advance...

Offline Kevnz

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Re: CB550 trouble starting after warmed up
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2022, 08:10:19 PM »
You might need to go through this methodically rather than assuming it's a pod\jet issue. For a start ( sorry about the pun) make sure you have spark at the no start condition. That's the easiest thing to check. There may be an issue with the ignition overheating. If there's plenty of spark, then start looking into the fuel side of things. Plug condition might also be an indicator of whether it's running lean or perhaps flooding.
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: CB550 trouble starting after warmed up
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2022, 09:35:53 PM »
When was the last complete 3000 mile tuneup checklist completed?

WHat do the spark plug deposits look like?

What brand jets were put in?

Was the rest of the stock brass in the carbs cleaned and reused?  Or, are there aftermarket parts in the carbs?
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