Author Topic: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration  (Read 575 times)

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Offline kurtkarram

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Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« on: June 13, 2022, 03:22:43 PM »
73 cb500 with a persistent issue that I just can't track down. Bike will pop on engine braking deacceleration all the time, even from 3000rpm. It's a light pop, like popcorn, sometimes sounding metallic, and pops more rapidly at higher RPM. This could also be backfire into the carb, I'm just not sure. I can't tell where it's coming from because It only happens when I ride and I can't poke my head around and hear with a helmet on. I also noticed once the bike was warm, it had a slow return to idle speed when revving. It is driving me nuts.

Bike is completely stock. Carbs are synced (done when hot, starts beautifully when cold). But I noticed that when revving, carbs 2-3-4 needles all move perfectly in sync. Carb 1, while in sync idling, pulls more vacuum when revving. Attached is a picture of plug 1 compared to plug 4. I believe the popping and issues are coming from plug 1. I took the bowl off and cleaned out the pilot jet and passage, no help. Tried turning air screws in to make richer, no help. I'm losing ideas on what to check or what the issue could be.  I have sprayed everywhere and can't find a vacuum leak. Orings at the manifolds, rubber carb boots, can't find anything.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2022, 04:50:17 PM »
Have you checked for an exhaust leak?
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Offline Airborne 82nd

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Re: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2022, 05:21:24 PM »
+1 on  Stev-o
I would also start with a full complete 3K service. If you just did one do it again in case you missed something. Not sure about your carb sync I have PDs on my 750 but one different than the other three does not seem correct. I hope a 500 guy will set that straight. Like I wrote I do not have your carbs.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2022, 05:39:52 PM by Airborne 82nd »

Offline kurtkarram

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Re: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2022, 05:37:19 PM »
Have you checked for an exhaust leak?

What’s the best way to check? There’s no loud ticking so I don’t suspect it, but no harm in checking

Offline Airborne 82nd

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Re: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2022, 05:45:45 PM »
Have you checked for an exhaust leak?

What’s the best way to check? There’s no loud ticking so I don’t suspect it, but no harm in checking

powder, smoke, soap and water if there is a leak look for it to spit back or make bubbles

« Last Edit: June 13, 2022, 05:51:26 PM by Airborne 82nd »

Offline TwoTired

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Re: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2022, 07:17:48 AM »
What exhaust and air filter are being used?

Are all cylinders the same mechanically?  Compression check?

Cam chain and lifters adjusted?

Ignition timing within spec?

Do you have 627b carbs?

Since a stock bike doesn’t normally  have the behavior you describe, what changes have been made to the bike?

Hanging idle points to over lean idle mix and/or uneven slides.
Popping on deceleration points toward lean pilot circuit and/or never slides.

Did you put all four gauges on a common source to verify the gauges behave identically in transition?

Do the carbs have proper fuel height levels?
« Last Edit: June 14, 2022, 07:21:10 AM by TwoTired »
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Offline tourmax

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Re: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2022, 09:56:19 AM »
lean condition will give similar behavior of afterfire (backfire is through the carb, afterfire is in the exhaust) and/or a hanging idle. For comparison, an idle that stumbles below idle rpm on throttle blip is usually a rich condition.

It's hard to use the popping as a diagnostic tool, as both lean and rich can cause popping. I find it's usually a lean condition if it pops, as rich usually means it's too rich to actually fire the mixture and when it does, it's either weak or a heck of a loud bang, not a pop. Lean causes afterfire because it's too lean to burn completely in the cylinder, so when the exhaust valve opens unburnt  (but otherwise combustible)  mixture enters the exhaust and then combusts in the exhaust, causing the "pop" noise.

I've used the choke before to help diagnose rich vs lean. If it runs better on choke (with engine at normal operating temp), you're lean. Worse with choke, you're rich. I take the bike for a short run and if it's popping, I slowly feed on the choke. If it goes away, I can look for a lean fueling condition. If I can't make it run any better or it gets worse with choke, I can look for a rich fueling condition. It's a "feel" you need to develop through experience as it can be hard to tell if an engine starts running better or worse as you play with the choke. It's a quick and dirty way to give you an indication of which way to go with out having to do things like plug chops. But it's just an indicator, not a tuning tool for final jetting. For that, you have to go through the full jetting procedure.

lean condition can either be jetting or idle/air screws or it can be a vacuum leak after carbs, assuming the rest of the bike is in good nick and running properly (IE: timing, coils, compression, etc).

If it's all stock, that pretty much eliminates jet sizing as an issue.

Check the idle mixture screws next and set as per the manual.

Vacuum leak is usually a cracked intake rubber or leak in that area. I often use something like WD40 or a non combustible spray on the runners to see if the idle changes. Generally, if you spray the rubbers and the idle changes, you've got an intake leak somewhere. The idle changes (usually drops) as the spray closes up the leak as it's sucked thorough and changes again as it's fulled sucked out of any cracks or splits and goes back to being an air leak.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2022, 10:07:26 AM by tourmax »
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Offline extrafunky

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Re: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2022, 10:25:51 AM »
Check the exhaust flange bolts. Mine was leaking from one of the exhaust gaskets when I replaced my exhaust. Tightening the bolts fixed the issue.

Offline Airborne 82nd

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Re: Stock cb500 popping on deacceleration
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2022, 03:51:35 PM »
Check with a sharp pick if you have doubled up on your exhaust gaskets.