Author Topic: electrical gurus, humor.  (Read 631 times)

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Offline Don R

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electrical gurus, humor.
« on: June 09, 2022, 02:36:21 PM »
 I liked to believe I was pretty good at the wiring on these but I have a 76F that was seriously hacked by someone not dumb but too cheap to buy a right control. I may also be guilty of that offense. 
  Anyway, long story shorter, I had a new looking right control of unknown origin with no headlight switch. The 6 wires coming out were bk/wh and bk for the kill button and two that are normally closed for the headlight (working) and two that close upon pushing the start button to send power the starter relay. Those two are green/red and green.
   The clutch switch is also green/red and green, that switch is junk so I'll probably forgo that safety for now.
  I've concluded this right switch was intended for an A model. I see those colors of wires on the 76A diagram.  Since it is, the start button only makes a circuit when pushed, it does not provide 12V to either g/r or g. even with the two black feeds powered. It seems easy to give one wire 12V and power the start relay with the other but the safety circuit must have me befuddled.
  Moral of the story, don't do that. Bwahahaha.
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Offline Tim2005

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Re: electrical gurus, humor.
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2022, 03:50:19 PM »
Not sure I'm following that entirely, but didn't some models have a switch that cut the power to the power to the headlight when you pressed the start button, to maximise the volts available for the ignition? Maybe that's what the extra wires are for...

Offline Don R

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Re: electrical gurus, humor.
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2022, 05:52:37 PM »
 Yes it has that, the 750 Hondamatic switch does the same thing but with a slightly more complicated circuit. I'm comfortable with wiring the first few years of 750 but this 76F is a learning experience. 
« Last Edit: June 09, 2022, 05:56:12 PM by Don R »
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Offline Don R

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Re: electrical gurus, humor.
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2022, 08:48:19 PM »
 OK, I believe on an Automatic bike the switch grounds the start relay, on an F it provides 12V.

  Moot point, this mystery switch no longer makes continuity between the green/green-red wires when the start button is pushed. I'll pound it flat with a big hammer so this doesn't happen again in a couple years. LOL!

  Since I love a challenge, I'm going to put on a right grip with an off/on headlight switch.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2022, 09:09:22 PM by Don R »
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Re: electrical gurus, humor.
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2022, 04:53:28 PM »
I'll pound it flat with a big hammer so this doesn't happen again in a couple years. LOL!

I have a 20-ton press for such things, so that no one after me will EVER recognize what I did to it.
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Offline bryanj

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Re: electrical gurus, humor.
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2022, 11:16:05 PM »
Green and green/red in a rh switch aint Honda standard, from memory the start button should have 3 wires
1 black=power in with key on
2 blue/red i think = power to headlight with button NOT pushed
3 yellow/red= power to solenoid when button pushed
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Re: electrical gurus, humor.
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2022, 08:51:49 PM »
I like the bikes that come to me with the Chinko knockoff switches already on them - and nothing works - and they want it fixed.
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"What did you do?" "Nothing. I just stirred the tanks..."..
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Offline Don R

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Re: electrical gurus, humor.
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2022, 12:45:20 PM »
  I'm guilty of using them myself. After the Honda/China purple kill switches, I wondered if real ones were really real ones.  I have to say this 4-1 left control is sub-par, and not even a pattern part. 
  Sometimes I'm guilty of a suspicion that one factory is making all of them and the difference is only the markup.
  I liked the Apollo 13 reference too. Those guys were close to still being out there.
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Offline HondaMan

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Re: electrical gurus, humor.
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2022, 06:47:16 PM »
  I liked the Apollo 13 reference too. Those guys were close to still being out there.

I'm reminded of the "back story" about the oxygen tank, which came from its manufacturer near here, in Boulder, CO.
The tank was first installed in Apollo 12's Service Module during the prep for that flight, and a technician accidentally left its heater turned ON for over an hour with the tank dry, which the manufacturer had stated should not be done for more than 2 minutes without cryogenic material in the tank. During an audit of the test logs this error was discovered, and the tank was pulled out and returned to Boulder for "inspection". In Boulder the technicians who had made the tank had moved on to other jobs and the new crop of kids didn't have a clue how to "test" or "check" it, so they just measured the heater element's resistance, found it was within 10% of the original value (which was a ridiculously STUPID test), declared it "Tested", and sent it back to the Cape. There was never any provision made in the tank's design for any kind of a check like this: it was a fully-welded shut container with a fill valve and plumbing fittings, and electrical terminals. What had actually happened inside was: the nichrome heater wire, encapsulated inside a baked-on ceramic coating to insulate it from any contact with the fluid in the tank, had expanded enough to crack the insulation baked onto it. So, when the cryogenic oxygen in the tank got semi-frozen and 'slushy' in the deep cold of space, it froze onto the ceramic heater - and into the cracks, touching the nichrome wire - so that switching ON the 40-something volts from the batteries caused instantaneous combustion and high pressure just seconds after the switch was thrown. That was what exploded the oxygen tank, which took out half the other service module components packed next to it - like the fuel cells (for power). That was the oxygen tank(s) for the capsule's occupants for the whole trip! It was purely NASA's major fear of a very public failure in the moonshots that had added almost 70% more oxygen to the LEM (compared to Apollo 11) that saved them after that, as they expended all but 1.5 minutes of that LEM's oxygen before they jettisoned it just prior to the super-hot re-entry that they survived, breathing just the last of the capsule's oxygen tanks to reach the ocean. It was as close as a 4-blade razor's shave!
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