Did another ride yesterday, she purred along nicely, however still rich according to the plugs. Not sure what else I can change at this stage except for going for a different, non stock, main jet size.
Still have a few concerns though. That high idle on a cold startup... Goes immediately to 3000 or 3500 RPM, so I immediately have to grab the idle adjustment screw on the carb to bring her down. After 20seconds or so, the rev's go down and I can readjust the idle screw. Once the engine is warm, this no longer happens, I can just start it and it instantly idle's normally.
Second thing I've got: Is it normal that when I turn the ignition on, I sometimes get spark and when there is still some fuel in the piston/exhaust the loudest bang (igniting fuel) ever. Scared the life out of me for a couple of times.