Author Topic: Any Honda Element owner here?  (Read 610 times)

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Offline bert96

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Any Honda Element owner here?
« on: August 03, 2022, 03:25:30 AM »

 I'm the owner of a SC 2009(my second sc model, my other one was a 07). I love this thing!
I need to replace the oil pan because of the rust....
Anyone have ever replace their pan with an aluminium pan instead from a CRV or another 2.4l?
I checked the gasket and its the same for a lot of k24,
I post the question on the element forum but did not get any answer.

QA50 1969,ST-90 1974,mb5 1982,rz350 1983,shadow 1100 1985,vf1000f 1985,BMW K1 1990,shadow tourer 1100 2001,vfr 750 1994,vtr250 199?

Offline jgger

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Re: Any Honda Element owner here?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2022, 08:24:45 AM »
I'm not familiar with the vehicle you are talking about,  but just some thoughts.  The bolt pattern and gasket may be the same for different uses for that motor, but to fit it into the different models the pan dimensions and shape could be way different than yours. The depth and sump may or may not match. Even the drain plug location could be an issue. Not to mention the the pick up position.

Just a few thoughts.  I know many manufacturers will use the same motor in different vehicles and to do a motor swap changing the pan ans pick up are just part of the swap.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 08:29:05 AM by jgger »
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