What sync tool are you using? The manual says to set the free play at the top of the carbs. Set the idle mix screw for the carbs you have. On my K0 that's 1 turn out from seated. Then I make sure I adjust the idle stop screw so that all carbs are opening and closing the same in sync. I do this with the motor off, roll the throttle grip open a quarter turn or so then roll the throttle closed and listen to when the slides close and hit the stop screw. If all slides don't hit simultaneously I adjust the carb that is off using the stop screw. When they are all dropping the same I fire up. At around 1500 RPM the manual says you should be pulling around 20-22 cm/Hg. Adjust each carb to get 20-22 using the stop screw. Make sure you don't have vacuum leak at the carb ports - or anywhere else. I use a carbtune syncher.