I'm currently in the process of pulling apart the front end of my Nighthawk and decided that I would like to swap out the stock triple tree clamp. I'm still compiling information on what triple tree clamps will work with the 650SC frame and I'm just looking for any insight and or measurements.
What I know so far is that the 1982 Honda CB650SC has:
- 37mm forks
- 192mm axle spacing
- Air assisted forks
- Progressive springs?
Option 1:According to this post (reply #38), the '81-82 CB900C has near identical measurements.
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php/topic,139630.25.htmlWould the 900F's triple tree clamp assembly be direct bolt-on or will I need to get spacers or even a different stem for it to sit correctly in the CB650SC frame?
Option 2:The '81-82 CB750F triple trees also use 37mm forks so would this work? Reply #2 in this post mentions the 750F triple tree clamp but not much else.
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php/topic,17486.msg186612.html#msg186612Is the fork spacing on the 750F triple tree clamps the same as the 650SC?
I'm going for a minimalistic approach, the 750F bottom triple tree clamp would allow me to use this top clamp alongside some clip-on bars to meet that goal:
https://cognitomoto.com/products/billet-top-triple-clamp-cb750f-1980?variant=3855303671848Also, can the air-assist on the 650SC forks be capped off or is that something that is functional for the operation of these forks? I assume I'd have to get 750F forks if I wanted to delete the air-assist function/feature.