Decided to make a new thread to document my carb tuning journey since I see a lot of unfinished threads on this subject!
So my setup is currently as follows:
Carpy’s Yoshimura style 4 into 1
Air pods from
120 Main Jet
40 Idle
Needle jet 5 down from top (so full rich)
Air mixture at 1 turn
Pictures of the exhaust and pods are attached as well.
I am currently dealing with a flat spot around the 3000rpm range that I have been struggling my way through. It began with the setup above, but I had the needle set at 4 down from the top. It would lag at 3k, but I could push through and it would open up at the higher RPMs.
My first change was to change the needle jet to two from the top, which would lean the mixture out. I did that, re-synced, and went for a test drive, and it was WAY worse. I could no longer push through 3k and the bike sounded like it was sucking air.
So back to taking the carbs off I went, and I went back the other way with the needle to where it is now. I put it on 5th from the top, re-synced and went for a ride. It’s not perfect, but it was better than where I started and it was easier to push through 3k.
My next step is to go up to a 125 main jet and start with the needle in the middle spot (3 from the top) and see how the bike does.
More to follow!