I have a 1974 cb550 with a 1978 motor that I completed a rebuild on 4 years ago and have put many trouble free miles on it.
Out of storage this year, I noticed some corrosion on a few fasteners that I cleaned and nickel plated. When I tried to start it, I had nothing when I turned the key. I thought the damp storage might have corroded up the grounds.
Here are a few things I have already tried and some other facts.
1. First thing I did was check the main grounds to the frame under the battery and the coil mount. I redid these after a thorough cleaning and reassembled with dielectric grease. I then checked all ground wires in the bucket and under the left side cover and had good continuity. I also used contact cleaner on all plugs under the left side cover.
2. I started swapping parts from a running cb550. Solenoid, Key switch and a brand new Rick's reg/rec.
3. Before these swaps, I measured voltage at various places to trace back where the failure was occurring.
Solenoid with key off:
Solenoid with key on:
from the regulator black wire:
I measured these with the bikes existing components as well as the ones from a running cb550 with largely the same results.
Interestingly, the solinoid key on results started at about 1.9v and rose to about 2.5v after 20 sec or so.
I also checked the fuse panel and fuses with all being good.
I have bypassed the safety switch on this bike by moving the green/red wire to ground.
I am at a bit of a loss as to where to go next and any suggestions are welcome.