Author Topic: Remove ethanol from gas  (Read 689 times)

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Offline gary p.

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Remove ethanol from gas
« on: August 24, 2022, 05:13:54 AM »
I purchased a gas powered wood splitter this weekend.  The seller told me he never ran ethanol fuel ⛽️ in it.  I asked where he got it, knowing there are no stations in our area that sell ethanol free.
He told me he makes his own and uses it in all his small engines, including his motorcycle.   He also claimed he gets 3mpg better in the bike over pump fuel.  Naturally, I had to know how he does it.
He puts a measure of colored water in his gas can, fills it at the pump, shakes it aggressively and then lets it rest overnight on a platform that tilts the can, creating a low end.   After it sits overnight, he uses a clear tube and hand pump to draw out the water from the low end of the can.  When the fluid changes from colored to clear, he knows he has removed all the water and ethanol.  What is left is ethanol free gas.
At 72, this is new to me.  You don’t know what you don’t know, eh?
I plan to figure out a safe way to do this for use in my bike and vintage MGB.   Has anyone been doing this?   Many of us don’t live near a source for ethanol free at the pump.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Remove ethanol from gas
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2022, 06:56:42 AM »
Hey Gary...I think you should be our "guinea pig" and let us know how it goes!
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Offline gary p.

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Re: Remove ethanol from gas
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2022, 07:31:52 AM »
Hey Gary...I think you should be our "guinea pig" and let us know how it goes!

Thanks buddy.   I read that removing the ethanol might also reduce the octane a few points.  …also read that some of the chemicals in octane boosters are not good for engines.   Oh, what to do?   …maybe stop reading

Offline CycleRanger

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Re: Remove ethanol from gas
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2022, 08:03:20 AM »
There are some youtube videos that demonstrate this technique.
The ethanol binds to the water and separates out from the gasoline.
In theory this works for doing a few gallons at a time.
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Offline Gordon

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Re: Remove ethanol from gas
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2022, 01:35:56 PM »
I've done it before using a 5 gallon glass carboy, and siphoning the pure gas off the top of the water/ethanol mixture.  It's a fun experiment, and it definitely works, but for everyday purposes it's just too much effort for me.  As long as I run everything that has E10 in it on a fairly regular basis, it's not an issue.  And for things like my lawn equipment that sit unused for 5 months out of the year, I just drain them before storing.  Ethanol does its bad stuff when sitting for long periods. 

Offline BenelliSEI

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Re: Remove ethanol from gas
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2022, 03:14:04 PM »
In Canada, we can still buy “Ethanol Free, Super”. But I’m not sure it’s really true. I still find that fury green scum, in float bowls that only contained super. Now, everything gets used regularly, or drained.

I have an even more ridiculous routine for my favourite, older motorcycles. When I buy gas for them, I go to the pumps and select “Super, non Ethanol” I then pump10-12 litres into my JEEP, to clear the lines, selector, and hose! After that, fill two or three 22 litre (5 gallon) jugs. Crazy, but everything seems to work a lot better!

Of course this doesn’t work for longer trips, but I try and get home on low fuel and then run my stuff in ASAP. The things we do! Anyone else this foolish?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 03:16:23 PM by BenelliSEI »

Offline 70CB750

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Re: Remove ethanol from gas
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2022, 01:45:01 AM »
Wava in our toen started to sell ethanol free gas - it has its own hose. 

And the mom and pop gas station keeps ethanol free gas in two separate tanks each with old - like 70ties - pump. 

So no, I do not need to clean hoses before filling up. 
Pure Gas - find ethanol free gas station near you

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Offline newday777

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Re: Remove ethanol from gas
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2022, 03:26:11 AM »
I haven't done the removal of ethanol from E10 gas but did read of it back in 2012 when I saw this post on

I don't have a station close to me to buy ethanol free gas(@50 miles one way closest to me....) so I still just drain out the gas each fall on my K5. I then put in some Marvel Mystery Oil to coat the tank and flow into the carbs to keep the float valves lubed over the winter. Then come spring I drain the carb bowls of the MMO( and the tank) before putting in fresh bought E10 regular.
I refuse to buy the very high priced pure gas 5 gal cans some shops sell at @$90.......
Honda Parts manager in the mid 1970s Nashua Honda
My current rides
1975 K5 Planet Blue my summer ride, it was a friend's bike I worked with at the Honda shop in 76, lots of fun to be on it again
1976 K6 Anteres Red rebuilding project, was originally my brother's that I set up from the crate, it'll breath again soon!
Project 750s, 2 K4, 2 K6, 1 K8
2008 GL1800 my daily ride and cross country runner

Prior bikes....
1972 Suzuki GT380 I had charge of it for a year in 1973 while my friend was deployed and learned to love street riding....
New CB450 K7 after my friend returned...
New CB750 K5 Planet Blue, demise by ex cousin in law at 9,000 miles...
New CB750 K6 Anteres Red, to replace the totaled K5, I sold this K6 at 45k in 1983, I had heavily modified it, many great memories on it and have missed it greatly.....
1983 GL1100A, 1999 GL1500 SE, 1999 GL1500A

Offline 70CB750

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Re: Remove ethanol from gas
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2022, 06:06:49 AM »
I purchased a gas powered wood splitter this weekend.  The seller told me he never ran ethanol fuel ⛽️ in it.  I asked where he got it, knowing there are no stations in our area that sell ethanol free.
He told me he makes his own and uses it in all his small engines, including his motorcycle.   He also claimed he gets 3mpg better in the bike over pump fuel.  Naturally, I had to know how he does it.
He puts a measure of colored water in his gas can, fills it at the pump, shakes it aggressively and then lets it rest overnight on a platform that tilts the can, creating a low end.   After it sits overnight, he uses a clear tube and hand pump to draw out the water from the low end of the can.  When the fluid changes from colored to clear, he knows he has removed all the water and ethanol.  What is left is ethanol free gas.
At 72, this is new to me.  You don’t know what you don’t know, eh?
I plan to figure out a safe way to do this for use in my bike and vintage MGB.   Has anyone been doing this?   Many of us don’t live near a source for ethanol free at the pump.

According to the link in my signature you have non- ethanol gas in Southwick - 15 miles and Northampton - 18 miles.
Pure Gas - find ethanol free gas station near you

I love it when parts come together.

Dorothy - my CB750
CB750K3F - The Red


2006 KLR650