Author Topic: Finally!  (Read 580 times)

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Offline Jim350Four

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« on: December 20, 2022, 12:45:25 PM »
The '74 350 Four is finally safely home in my garage - after waiting about 3 months. I posted earlier this fall with a question about a starter that didn't turn the engine over and got a lot of feedback. I really appreciate the sense of community. The 2 guys I purchased the bike from were friends with the previous owner who was unfortunately kill in Ohio while out riding. I mistakenly thought he had owned a bike shop but was informed he was simply an enthusiast that owned 14 bikes!  The wife gifted the 350 Four and a 350 CL to one of the friends who ultimately split ownership with the third.  Long story - I'll stop - but they were very happy that the bike was coming to someone who was truly interested in restoring and riding this little beauty.

They rebuilt the carbs and cleaned the tank (wasn't much rust in there to begin with). Starts with a couple of kicks and runs smoothly.

Now the crazy part is I haven't ridden motorcyle on the road ever - only minibikes and small Hondas off-road belonging to friends when I was a kid - so I have a long way to go. I had a Triumph TR-6 as a teenager and became a bit of a tinker as I learned how to keep that car on the road. I don't have a 3 car garage so I thought to myself. "I can get a small bike and have just as much fun as long as I can convince my wife it's just a small bike not too much horsepower ..." I love my wife - she indulges me.

The bike is really lovely except for the blue paint. Not my style. Do I plan to restore it to the glory blue black?  Not sure -  is it a midnight blue or is it really a black? No idea. Kind of toyed with the idea of a silver metallic. Whatever I decide, it will be a bit further down the road. I can ride it ugly for a while.

Things I know I need to do:
1) New tires/tube/rim strips
2) Front brake is seized so that will need attention.
3) Probably all new front brake hoses
4) Clutch lever (end is broken off) and cable
5) Rear brake needs to be gone over
6) Chain looks ok but what do I know. Probably clean it up well and really give it a going over
7) Fix the electric start (See Starter Clutch?)

Hope to be on the road soon!

1974 CB 350F1

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Finally!
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2022, 01:28:14 PM »
Congrats on getting the bike home.

Consider starting a thread in the "Project Shop" area so we can follow along and answer questions.

Here are a few:

1. Look into IRC tires, a good budget tire made in Japan.[IRC000O]=IRC000O-X001-Y001&variant[IRC0009]=IRC0009-X001-Y001&variant[IRC000A]=IRC000A-X001-Y001
2. I'd replace the master cylinder and clean/rebuild the caliper, fairly straight forward.
4. Parts available at 4into1 or Ebay
5. Replace the shoes, see #4.

Good luck!
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Finally!
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2022, 02:59:00 PM »
Congrats, these are great bikes.

For paint, since it's been repainted and you want to change it, it's a blank canvas I guess -- but I am partial to stock color, especially Candy Bacchus Olive (and then Flake Matador Red). There was a stock silver color in Europe but it didn't make it to the States. And there are sellers who make stock paints, even in spray cans. I haven't gone down that route yet but am going to shortly with some spares.  The fender was a an odd choice unless it's hiding a repair.

How's the exhaust? If they're stock and in good shape that's quite a score.

A lot of stuff is still available, including repops like the David Silver Spares master cylinders (I've had good luck with a couple). Some stuff (like stock fenders in decent shape) comes up for sale, and if you're patient you can find something for a reasonable price (I just sold one with a small ding on the backside that wasn{t really visible for $50).

And definitely keeping to the stock tire size is the way to go. And keep the points. Once you get them dialed in they don't make a lot of power but they sure run smoothly.

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Re: Finally!
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2022, 03:56:45 PM »
Enjoy the ride  8)
1975 CB550F Super Sport;  Lake Superior Circle 1000, 45-90 Saddle 1000, All in Yooper 1000 and SS 2000 in 48 hrs:  1985 GL1200A, MN in State SS1K

Offline Jim350Four

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Re: Finally!
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2022, 02:50:11 PM »
Thanks all

Never thought about the fender being painted to cover a dent. When I take off the front wheel to replace the tire, I will eyeball and see if the fender shows any sign of metal work. I want to return this to chrome so I will be looking to buy something used rather than a new repro.

I appreciate the suggestion of the IRC tires. I had seen those online and they look period appropriate and reasonably priced. Thoughts on buying a set of spoons and putting them on myself. The only place I have found that will mount these for me is about 40 miles away.

I am really happy about the exhaust. Very good shape. It looks like a seam was resealed but overall not bad. Hopefully a good polish will brighten them back up. Sound and look VERY cool. Love the 4 into 4 look. Stamped HMCB350F SL/SR HM333

Really excited about this project and looking forward to making this bike something anyone would be proud to own.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2022, 04:14:30 PM by Jim350Four »
1974 CB 350F1

Offline tool14

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Re: Finally!
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2022, 07:46:37 AM »
welcome aboard nice looking.

Offline jgger

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Re: Finally!
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2022, 08:50:28 AM »
Congratulations on your 1st strĂ·t bike. I can't speak about your bike questions, but once it is on the road it will be a whole new (and fun) experience for you. The biggest difference between street and dirt riding is you should approach street riding like EVERY car you see is trying their best to kill you. ATGATT for your protection. Also even you know how to operate a motorcycle,  taking a motorcycle safety course can enlighten you to skills or practices you don't need in the dirt. Lane position, staying out of blind spots, and a whole different level of awareness,  plus it may help on your insurance.

I hope you enjoy the snot out of both wrenching and riding that little beauty.  You have come to the right place for help with sorting things out, there are a lot of sharp guys here...............unfortunately I ain't one of them!
"The SOHC4 uses a computer located about 2-3 ft above the seat.  Those sometimes need additional programming." -stolen from  Two Tired

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