agreed. Amazing work.
Here is a summary of my findings:
2x Black/White (Tied together)
2x Brown/White (Tied together)
1x Black/Red
1x Ground Lug
Black/White Wires:
The Black/White wires go to the Manual speedo meter stop switch (which this bike is missing), from there it would then go (as a red wire) to one of the two red ignition wires (the one that goes to the main harness behind the light). This red wire appears to also provide power to the rear “Brief box light” which this bike also does not have installed. (These wires ARE NOT CONNECTED for now).
Note: The black/white wire that has green over the top is connected to a little solenoid inside, which when it gets a 12v signal it throws a little pawl thingy into a fine toothed gear wheel. This locks the speedo needle at the desired speed. Presumably to show to the speeding motorist that he has exceeded the legal limit. The other one is an indicator light to indicate that it is activated white or whitish blue.
Brown/White Wires:
The Brown/White wires go to the Brown/White terminal in the main harness which leads to the Keyswitch. These are the speedo running lights.
Black/Red Wire:
This wire is not the same on either the 450P or 750P (not sure the year) diagrams that I found, however, it makes sense that it is an indicator light showing that the Patrol lights are activated as in both diagrams the patrol lights are connected to Black/Red. This light is a red light when activated.
Ground Lug:
Self explanatory