The RING (doorbell + video) things are springing up all over my neighborhood (which goes along with the front-porch delivery thefts rising like pop-bottle rockets). The owners I've talked with about them all have smartphones that link to them and alert the owner to any movement on their porch. While it does an alert and takes video/pix, and some let you yell at the thief from your cellphone, so far it hasn't actually STOPPED any thefts. One or two victims managed to cooperate and get one thief cornered and the police called to nab the perp, but there are dozens of them going on every month here.
We don't suffer a lot of burglaries around this neighborhood, though: about 70% of houses have dogs of some sort, and about that many homeowners have, umm...armament...handy. Some actually have notices about this on the doors of their homes, too. Mostly we try to watch each other's houses if we're out and about (like, walking our dogs, etc.), and if someone isn't home, but there's packages on the porch, we either move them to their backyard or otherwise hide them from drive-by viewers. It's surprising how fast this sort of activity will 'unite' a neighborhood, too.