Hello all, new to this site so forgive me if my post is in the wrong place. I recently installed new clutch plates, springs on my 76 cb. After everything is back together as per manual, I have no feeling in my clutch lever, it pulls back with ease. Once bike is started, after numerous adjustments. It feels as if the clutch is still engaged. I place it in to 1st gear and the bike acts as if it were in neutral. I soaked the new plates in mtcy oil over night. When removed I noticed a very thin washer fall out I believe it is the 25mm clutch washer with splines. When I replaced the plates I
Needed to get a
New spring plate since it cracked on installation. I replaced it with a stronger manufactured all aluminum plate from eBay. When some of my other ordered parts came I noticed the 25mm washer with splines was twice as tall. I tried both washers, with the same out come, I tried new springs with same outcome. Any hep
Be appreciated. The clutch and gears were working before the replacement, but the clutch was all the way out before she would