Running out of patience chasing a wiring issue on a K5. Maybe someone has a new idea or a way to run this down. I bought the bike as a non-runner and one of the handlebar controls was busted up. I picked up a new matching set of stock replacement controls from 4into1 and wired the bike up. Also, although it's a K5 I had a better set of K2 fork ears and signals so I wired them up so the signals do not have or use the park/running lights just the flashing lights. When I first got the bike together everything worked fine including all the indicator lights, the turn signals on both sides, etc. On the maiden voyage I signaled for a right turn and the main fuse immediately blew (luckily I had a spare with me). Limped it home and started checking. First I put another fuse in and tried the left signal; popped it immediately. Then I unhooked all 4 signals and tried again; fuse didn't blow. Hooked the signals back up 1 at a time trying the signal switch after each one and the fuse never blew again (annoying) but after I got all 4 plugged back in they also didn't flash anymore. I figured maybe the flasher had quit so I got a new one and changed it, still no flash. So now when I signal left or right both signals on that side and the indicator light up, but it doesn't flash. And I still never found any reason the signals would have been blowing my fuses. Anyone got an idea?