How does it flash with no flasher??
Electrical buzzing is not normal in DC electrics, with AC it can happen on poor connections.
DC usually gives a fizzle sound as connections arc but signal bulbs use low current and arcing would be rare. The lamps would flicker randomly.
I would clean all the bullet connectors, tighten the females a bit with pliers, and add some dielectric grease when reconnecting. Then spray some contact cleaner in the keyswitch rear (Deoxit maybe) and turn it back and forth a few dozen times. And inspect the fusebox, clean and check the tension of the clips and confirm the solder connections on the rear are good.
Doing the cleaner spray into the pod switch is good but be careful if you take it off the bar... the plastic parts of the switch are probably super brittle and tend to shatter easily. If already broken, the switch operation gets super strange and unpredictable if it works at all.