Codice Marmitta - muffler code - choose 300 or 341 pipes.
1 set of pipes will already be selected, if you want another set then click on the plus or minus….otherwise look to the bottom where it says
aggiungi al carrello - add to cart
after that a box to the right should appear asking you how you want to pay, and empty box that says Istruzioni speciali per il venditore - "special instructions for seller" if you want to leave a note or special request fo them
below that you will see the total amount in euro, and below that in italian it says
Spedizione, tasse e sconti verranno calcolati al momento del pagamento which is " Shipping, taxes and discounts will be calculated at checkout"
the box you need to check says :
Ho letto e sono d'accordo con le Condizioni d'Acquisto, Condizioni di consegna, Politiche dei Rimborsi - I have read and agree with the Purchase Conditions, Delivery Conditions, Refund Policies
check that and below it says procedere al checkout - proceed to checkout - click this if you are just paying with a credit card, otherwise utitlize the buttons for apple pay or paypayl if that is your preferred method.
the next page is where you fill in your contact info, payment and delivery info, at the top it will again provide options for alternate payment methods outside of entering your credit card…
recapiti: deliver
that box below it says : email o numero di telefono cellulare - email or mobile phone number
below that is a box you can check that says Inviami email con notizie e offerte - send me emails with news and offers
next box - Indirizzo di spedizione - shipping address
the next box is a drop down and “stati uniti’ should be preselected for united states.
the next two boxes are first and last name, cognomen means “last”
the next line azienda facoltativo - option company
next line - indrizzo - address
next line is partita iva - vat number
the three boxes under that are city, state, and zip code, those should automatically fill in for you once you enter your address in the above location.
next line - telefono - phone number
there is a box you can check that says Salva questi dati per la prossima volta - save this data for next time
the little blue arrow on the left that says torna al Carrillo means "back to cart "
the blue box on the bottom right means “off to shipment”
on the next page it should have a grand total at the top, your contact info and address, then below, the standard shipping method of 150 euro should already be selected for you
Modalità di spedizione - shipping methods
at the bottom the left arrow says torna alle informazioni - back to information
and on the right the blue box says vai al pagmamento - go to payment
on this page under the info you will see a box that says Condice sconto - discount code
then next box says Pagamento - payment
Tutte le transazioni sono sicure e criptate- "all transactions are secure and encrypted"
Carta di credito - credit card should be selected for you
next line says numero carta - credit card number
next line nome titolare della carta - cardholder name
next line data di scadenza - expiration date
next box codice di sicurezza - security code
below the PayPal box it says Indirizzo di fatturazione
Seleziona l'indirizzo corrispondente alla tua carta o metodo di pagamento. - billing address select the address corresponding to your card payment method
the first bubble to check says Uguale all'indirizzo di spedizione - same as shipping address
the second bubble says Utilizza un indirizzo diverso per la fatturazione - please use a different address for billing - at that point it will prompt you to fill in new fields for the new address information
if you just continue, there is the back arrow on the bottom left or the blue box on the right that says revedi l’ordine - "review order"
I use goggle translate and just copy and paste the phrase, if its text i cant copt and paste then i type it in there.