Two steps forward, one back. Getting there slowly. Still had an oil leak even after replacing clutch rod seal and torqueing the countershaft nut. Come to find out my bad, left part of the old gasket on the sump filter plate, and therefore my steady drip. I just don't see that well anymore, time to go to the dollar store and up the power on the garage glasses. I have been going through the wiring, it is clean and neat, good connectors and shrink in the right places, but like Dolly Pardon's coat there are many colors. Sometimes three different spices and colors on one wire run, PO must have cleaned out his wire drawer. I am going to clean it up and wire the starter back up, it is still there and spins great. I tried to bring the chrome back on the wheels but it was a tad too far gone. I went for the poor man's powder coating, black appliance paint. It takes for ever to cure, but when it does, a darn tough finish. Tins have been worked and primed and I trying to pick a color. I must have been living with my wife too long, it sometimes takes a month to pick paint for a bathroom....