Back to the diagram.
My Rick's REG/REC has 8 wires just like it should. In the bundle that goes to the STATOR, the colors on my REG/REC are: 3 yellow, 1 red, and 1 green. The remaining 3 loose wires are white, green, and black with a white stripe.
In the diagram I've adopted and edited to suit my needs, their's shows: 3 yellow, 3 black, 1 red, and 1 white. The color of the wires in the bundle that they have going to the STATOR are: 3 yellow, 1 white, and 1 black. The remaining 3 loose wires are 2 black and 1 red.
Obviously the colors for the wires that are in the bundle that go to the STATOR on the diagram don't matter because my REG/REC and STATOR wire colors match up when I look at the bike.
****Edit**** So after looking again I was wrong, the colors do not match up from my REG/REC to the STATOR end. STATOR shows 7 receiving wires: 3 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 blue with red stripe and 1 very light green with red stripe. 3 yellows and 1 green will go together on each end, and white to white, but after that I'm not sure which wire colors go together since they're different. No diagram sheet came with the Rick's box either so no help there. I'm going to dig more into it and read the wiring schematic from the book and see if I can figure it out before I get help here.
My question is, of my 3 remaining loose wires on my REG/REC, which color goes to GND, and where do the remaining 2 colored wires go?