OK, so I'm a bit late again, too much bike work, not enough computer time, or something like that. Yesterday I was staring at the ugly spud of a Royal Enfield "Classic" 350 that Rob had dumped in my driveway when he picked up the Guzzi on Saturday. He was keen for me to hang on to it for awhile and "Terry-fy" (as opposed to "Terrify") it as much as I want, he was tired of it's current look, and I don't blame him, I still remember when it was a shiny original bike with nice paint........
Royal Enfield Sunday 29 January 5 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Anyway, I decided that I'd take it for ride #6. While the bike has a very optimistic 160 KPH (100 MPH) speedo, google said that it was 110 (65) top speed with a more comfortable cruising speed of 80 KPH. (50 MPH) Hmmnn, I still wanted to go to Kilmore for a chicken lunch, but there was no way I'd risk riding this thing on a freeway, so I took another backroad with less traffic and a lower (60 MPH) speed limit, hoping that there'd be fewer cars to overtake me and yell abuse. As it turned out, the "performance mods" that Rob had added, an old Harley Sportster muffler and a sock over the carb's bellmouth allowed a fairly comfortable cruising speed of 100 KPH (60) except for any uphill grades, where it would drop to 80 (50) until I changed down to 4th gear, where it wouldn't actually go faster, it just got louder.
That probably sounds like I wasn't enjoying myself, but in truth, I was laughing like a loon, it was great fun riding this thing like I couldn't hotwire a Harley so I stole this instead. Seriously, riding a slow bike fast is much more fun than riding a fast bike slow, as I often (but not always...) do with my bigger bikes. I made it to Kilmore, and ordered a "small" serve of chicken coleslaw and chips, (fries) but instead the lovely ladies behind the counter gave me this huge bucket of food, of which I was only able to eat 20%, lest the extra weight slowed the 'Enfield even more.
Royal Enfield Sunday 29 January 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
After a post dinner cigarette (yes, I've fallen off the wagon after 8 years, to the day that I gave up in 2015....) I hopped back on the bike and headed for home. Good thing was this was the last day of an unofficial 4 day long weekend, so the traffic was much slower for most of the trip home, but down one particularly steep hill I saw 125 KPH (77 MPH!) but the wobbling and wallowing on those (probably under-inflated) skinny tyres when I leaned into a fast right hander at the bottom was a little scary, and I promised that I wouldn't do that again, until next time, anyway.
The first thing that I'm changing are the horrible "wheelbarrow" handlebars that Rob installed because he thought they looked "Cool", which, at speed make me feel like I'm gonna pull the grips off the ends of the bars.
Royal Enfield Sunday 29 January 6 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I've also got some nicer grips to put on it, to dampen the vibes at warp(ish) speed, then some skinnier "bobbed" fenders ala early English "Trials" bikes, a "Lycett" style seat, and some better (AKA gloss black rattle can) paint. The good thing is, I couldn't make it worse. But I do like it, Rob can leave it here for as long as he likes.

Royal Enfield Sunday 29 January 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr