Have you perchance looked at the 3 bullet connectors in the Yellow (under the gunk...) wires from the alternator to the bike's (8-circuit) white plug? These are frequently burned. To get to them you must remove the sprocket cover on the engine, and they are running alongside the inside top edge of the tranny cover. There are also the 2 wires to/from the regulator there: those plugs generally are OK, but can be gunked-up from chain lube and grit.
And, a special note: the K7/8 sprocket cover can be tricky to reinstall. Hand-thread the lower screw in first, then the upper one, and snug down in that order. I frequently run a 1/4" drill down thru both of those holes before reinstalling this cover, because you can actually break it if it is misaligned while tightening on the K7/8 engines. It appears that the jig that held this cover for drilling those holes during the K7/8 era was at a slight angle for the upper screw, which causes this trouble.