There are pros and cons to both and no one right answer. I have had both good and bad luck with various electronic ignitions, but also with points and even Hondaman's ignition (although in the end the problem was with the Honda wiring and not Hondaman's kit).
If good quality points and condensers were easy to find then I would say stay with points. It isn't hard to keep them adjusted and they are easy to deal with at the side of the road. But bad points and condensers are mostly what you find these days, so I would say go ahead and make the switch if your points need replacing. If your ignition is working fine, then I wouldn't bother with the expense of EI and would consider the Hondaman transistorized ignition, which is a hybrid system that retains the points, but releives them of the job of carrying ignition current, making them last longer.
Right now I have a completely stock points setup on my 750F, I had to fight with it and trace down some wiring issues, but after I solved them this Spring it has started first time every time for the past 7 months with no maintenance on my part.