my comments...from a "I like unrestored original viewpoint"
the negatives: ....wrong seat coat, wrong headlight, clutch lever, missing airbox....I do not think that is the original speedometer for the bike as the color appears wrong (bluish) compared to the tach. Should be green. But camera pics, fading, etc. might be affecting the color....and around the gas cap........numerous blemishes.....some of course....
so, it's not mint.........good at least....
However:....assuming the mechanicals are good......and what someone is looking for....
It has: good tank and side covers....headers and muffler are in really good shape (huge)...fenders,wheels, spokes, fork ears, ID#'s, ......all the big, unobtainium parts......
except for the seat coat and headlight, which someone might stumble across an oem honda.....airbox's show up on ebay.....
returning to vintage stock is not unreasonable.....actually, the seat coat might be the hardest....., wondering if it's a paint doesn't bubble like that around the gas cap....
the side cover decal, looks aftermarket compared to my
Honestly, I wouldn't pay too much......certainly not $16,000....
here's '75 F gauges.....dark green..but they're new....