THE TRIP OCCURRED BETWEEN 24th AUG - 15th SEPT 2004 AND WAS A HUGE SUCCESS - CHECK OUT THE PHOTOS and stories at Axls Easy Rider Trip webpage - Here was the original blurb on the Yahoo group set up to coordinate the 10+ SOHC riders who came to LA to start the ride
Recreate the 70`s with a once-in-a-lifetime trip combining cool Honda SOHC motorcycles, funky clothing and a great bunch of people as we ride from Los Angeles Airport to New Orelans, roughly following the route taken in that cult classic movie; Easy Rider. Already we are an international crowd with SOHC members from Italy, Germany, Scotland and the USA taking part! We`ll be crossing deserts, mountains and long roads this summer (2004) from 27th Aug - 11th Sept. If interested in joining us, or simply meeting us enroute for a beer, chat motorcycles, Easy Rider movie or to ride then let us know. We could be passing through your town!