Author Topic: Post your stories!  (Read 2704 times)

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Post your stories!
« on: March 10, 2007, 04:34:17 PM »
Have you ever taken your SOHC Honda on a longer trip?

Where did you go?  Where did you begin?  How far was the trip?

Did your bike make it without any drama?  Was there anything special you did, or should have done, to prepare your vintage bike for the trip?  Did you have any major breakdowns or minor fixes on the way?

Please tell your story...


Offline Dave K

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Re: Post your stories!
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2007, 07:11:37 PM »
I will never forget our first big trip. My friends and I live near the Ohio-Indiana border and our destination was Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 1978. Since we were new to long travel, one friend decided he would take tools. he took allot of tools! He had a Triple A luggage rack and back rest on his bike and enough tools to rebuild anything. We noticed as we approached Atlantic City that his luggage rack was resting on his taillight! Well, the rack just couldn't handle all the weight and broke. We found a body shop and used their welder to repair his broken rack and distributed the tools among the rest of the other 3, 750's. The whole trip though reminded me of Dumb and Dumber. We rode as far as we could the first night and when we wanted to find a place to stay, couldn't. We called the police dept., figuring they would no all of the out of the way hotel/motels we hadn't seen and maybe we could get some rooms. We did find a place, but it was being used as a Brothel! You entered the room and you could see the impressions of bodies on the bed spreads. As the wives got ready for bed, all of us guys grabbed a 6 pack and sat outside with the bikes enjoying the night. It was funny watching the cars wheel into a parking lot across the street and then another car would pull up and a girl from one car would get out and guy from another car would get our and about 1/2 later they would leave their room and go their separate ways. We are all from a little back water town and got educated in a hurry! I could tell so much more about this trip and others, maybe another time.


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Re: Post your stories!
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2007, 08:40:30 PM »
Hey Dave,

I snorted pretty good when I read your "Dumb and Dumber" comment about your trip!  I bet most of us had "dumb" first trips.

I suspect you left out all the sarcastic comments the wives made during the trip.

Offline seaweb11

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Re: Post your stories!
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2007, 09:46:52 PM »
The  "no room at the inn" reminded me of my trip to SanFransisco on my 750 2 summers ago.
Drove straight through from Gabriola Island/ 2 ferries all the way TO THE Oregon Coast south of Portland.  It was after midnight and I was freezing and tired. The town I stopped at had no rooms available  :o  Went into a bar and warmed up while the bartender made a few calls for me. She finally found me a room at the town I had driven through 1/2 hour ago so I had to back track to find my bed.  Beautiful place on the ocean with a great view of the beach ...who cares..I was so tired I fell on the bed till morning. 10 mins looking at the great view and then down to the desk to pay $225.00 for 7 hours sleep.

For the next 2 weeks I made sure to find a room before 6:00pm ;D

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: Post your stories!
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2007, 10:25:15 PM »
The  "no room at the inn" reminded me of my trip to SanFransisco on my 750 2 summers ago.
Drove straight through from Gabriola Island/ 2 ferries all the way TO THE Oregon Coast south of Portland.  It was after midnight and I was freezing and tired. The town I stopped at had no rooms available  :o  Went into a bar and warmed up while the bartender made a few calls for me. She finally found me a room at the town I had driven through 1/2 hour ago so I had to back track to find my bed.  Beautiful place on the ocean with a great view of the beach ...who cares..I was so tired I fell on the bed till morning. 10 mins looking at the great view and then down to the desk to pay $225.00 for 7 hours sleep.

For the next 2 weeks I made sure to find a room before 6:00pm ;D

    SHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!T!!!.........Thats like rock star or pro-athlete prices. My poor ass would have camped out!!! $225 would have had to last me longer than 7 hours on a trip that far.
MEMBER # 257
Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......

Offline ofreen

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Re: Post your stories!
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2007, 11:39:38 PM »
Most of the miles on the 750 these days are commuting.  I use one of the other bikes for most of my touring, but I try to take at least one 500+ mile trip on the 750 every year.  It always seems to run better after one of those.   
'75 CB750F

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