Author Topic: sl350 21" rim on a 350g/360, or 350k?  (Read 581 times)

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Offline Zector555

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sl350 21" rim on a 350g/360, or 350k?
« on: March 14, 2023, 05:09:31 PM »
I want to put a 21" sl350 on a 350g/360 hub, the one with disc brakes.  Anyone do this, and know how i could do it, preferable with any premade spoke kits (maybe an xl spoke kit?)?  sl 21" rims on ebay galore to use, its more the spokes im trying to figure out.

My second choice would be to put a 21" sl rim, on a cb350k hub (drum brakes).  ebay has some sl350 21" kits with spokes, is the hub diameter for spokes the same on the cb350k and sl350 21"?

Is there any other spoke kits that would work with the cb350g/360 disc hub, and a sl350 21" rim?  Any input on how i would do this?
