Hey, I'm 12.10 volts at the points ( ignition on, not running). I replaced both capacitors and... vòila!, spark is back on all 4! Still haven't got it started but that was only about 4 min. After getting spark return. I also started messing with the sync again after it was perfect, pls don't ask me why so, I will have to get that 1/16 or 1/8 drill bit on out (can't remember which one... I have the 657b's on my '74 cb750k and, the curved side of the slides on the inside of the carb does go facing the rear (air filter side) of the bike correct? And the 1/16th bit (I think) must go in on the flat side (engine side)? Correct about ALL this (1/16th size, curved side direction of placement)? And I do know that the idle screw adjust must be backed all the way out before the bit is inserted in each carb. Just so nobody has to waist the time explaining. Thanks for all the help guys, I think I'm on the good-road. Just to have to figure why it's not firing now. But for today, good progress.