Author Topic: Happy endings...  (Read 454 times)

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Offline mr.brandon

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Happy endings...
« on: April 14, 2023, 12:51:38 PM »
I've been on here for the last maybe year chasing this and that, had the bike running 70+ but not perfect, carb tuned and then..  burnt a coil/condensor.. well, chasing this and that. I changed my slide needles position from 3 to 4, that was surprisingly,  a huge difference but in addition went from 3 ohm to 5 as, I kept burning coils and sometimes condensors too. Changed out 2/3 condensor with an oem honda condensor, found a slight rip in the main power wire from batt.+ to ignition switch that was probablymaking a ground when hitting the frame (fixed) and also, changed my number 3 carbs main to a lower size (#3 carb is different than the other 3) I just wanted to attempt to aid someone out there as, I got SOOooo much help from so many on this forum.  I'm thankful for it and all those who contributed.  Of those, special thank you to Hondaman, twotired, Brian, I'm forgetting some (of the names) but am extremely grateful to them still. Thank you all!!! B