Author Topic: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle  (Read 3714 times)

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2023, 07:07:47 AM »
My CX500 airbox didn't have the snorkel that o
Pops into the top of the retainer for the air filter when I bought it. Was doing something under the seat and put a shop rag over the filter to keep anything from falling into the middle of the filter (round filter with open center for intake air.
Yep, forgot the rag when I put the seat back on.
Went for ride and bogging badly when tried to go...
Popped seat to check connectors and saw I had left the rag over the filter...

Stupid games, stupid prizes

To get the snorkel I had to buy an entire new airbox. Guys were selling snorkel separately for more than the entire airbox, including the shipping on the larger airbox...
David- back in the desert SW!

Offline Ellz10

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2023, 04:13:16 PM »
My CX500 airbox didn't have the snorkel that o
Pops into the top of the retainer for the air filter when I bought it. Was doing something under the seat and put a shop rag over the filter to keep anything from falling into the middle of the filter (round filter with open center for intake air.
Yep, forgot the rag when I put the seat back on.
Went for ride and bogging badly when tried to go...
Popped seat to check connectors and saw I had left the rag over the filter...

Stupid games, stupid prizes

To get the snorkel I had to buy an entire new airbox. Guys were selling snorkel separately for more than the entire airbox, including the shipping on the larger airbox...

Ouchhh. That one had to suck... get it? 🤣
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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2023, 07:50:44 PM »
My CX500 airbox didn't have the snorkel that o
Pops into the top of the retainer for the air filter when I bought it. Was doing something under the seat and put a shop rag over the filter to keep anything from falling into the middle of the filter (round filter with open center for intake air.
Yep, forgot the rag when I put the seat back on.
Went for ride and bogging badly when tried to go...
Popped seat to check connectors and saw I had left the rag over the filter...

Stupid games, stupid prizes

To get the snorkel I had to buy an entire new airbox. Guys were selling snorkel separately for more than the entire airbox, including the shipping on the larger airbox...

Ouchhh. That one had to suck... get it? 🤣
Next time someone says to you, You suck. Reply, Not for free. Look on their face or their reaction is priceless.
David- back in the desert SW!

Offline Geoff Hastings

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2023, 11:05:08 AM »
Removed the air filter on my 400 Husky putting it down on a clean piece of wood. Refitted the filter not noticing that a washer had stuck to the grease on the seal. After I started the bike the washer went down the inlet and smashed the piston.

Offline ekpent

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2023, 04:28:31 PM »
Removed the air filter on my 400 Husky putting it down on a clean piece of wood. Refitted the filter not noticing that a washer had stuck to the grease on the seal. After I started the bike the washer went down the inlet and smashed the piston.
OUCH !! That one hurt a little reading it. Crazy stuff happens though.

Offline BenelliSEI

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2023, 04:52:56 PM »
Pouring oil into the crankcase of my KLR 650 BEFORE installing the drain plug........

Sticky boots.

Offline denward17

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2023, 06:39:07 PM »
Installed performance camshafts in a 1975 Kawasaki 900Z1 many years ago, didn't use loctite on bolts, one worked loose and got lodged between chain and cam gear and snapped the cam chain.....expensive lesson.

But it went back together with more performance goodies.

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2023, 07:29:08 PM »
C'mon people.  These are good stories but I'm waiting for someone to confess they Armor-All'd their tires.  Or something like that.

Armorall on seat gets exciting in first good corner...

couple of mine

armorall on a scooter seat, didn't have a problem sliding backwards, not really an excess of power to start with, but when you brake theres no tank to stop you sliding straight off the front of the seat

also scooter related, apparently the rear wheel nut is castellated for a reason and that reason is so you can put a split pin in between the castellations and through the stub axle , this in turn prevents the rear wheel from parting company with the rest of the bike
so, in the 80s big shiny chrome pike nuts were all the rage with both the chopper and scooter folk. i decided to put a whopping great pike nut on the scooters single sided axle and lawdy did it look good. what i didn't notice or was too stupid to not notice is that theres no hole drilled through the lower end so you can put a split pin after my broken leg had healed i sold what was left of the scooter and swore never to ride one again ( i have once or twice just to remind me how freakin dangerous they were even properly put together )

another i just remembered, my first bike was an XS250 single cam motor, now after having scooters for years you just get used to strapping luggage or whatever anywhere it fits, the m,otors are fan cooled so you're not going to overheat, the same acnnot be said of an aircooled motorcycle which, when you strap your overnight bag between the forks, will not be happy and will seize the motor due to lack of airflow. luckily it started again after about half an hour but it was never quite the same afterwards. but thats kind of like saying dogsh!t doesn't smell quite the same after you've stepped in it
i blame Terry

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2023, 09:17:03 PM »

........ so, in the 80s big shiny chrome pike nuts were all the rage with both the chopper and scooter folk....

We absolutely hated those things at the shop I worked at.  No matter how careful everyone was, every time we had a chopper with pike axle nuts, someone would get their leg lacerated.  Eventually the shop owner instituted an extra charge for bikes with pike nuts, and later he refused to do any work on bikes with them. 

Offline jgger

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2023, 10:47:02 PM »
Removed the air filter on my 400 Husky putting it down on a clean piece of wood. Refitted the filter not noticing that a washer had stuck to the grease on the seal. After I started the bike the washer went down the inlet and smashed the piston.

I used to ride a Montesa when I (tried to be) a desert racer. I had a brand new bore and piston and rings. Got done with the install and took it for a test ride, got about 30 or 35 feet and it locked up solid. Tried to kick start it and I might as well have been jumping up and down on the foot peg. Pulled it back in the garage, yanked the head and found a needle bearing sticking half way through the transfer port. That bike had un-caged needles in the small end of the rod that just dump out when you pull the wrist pin. I always put a rag in the lower before I pull the piston but one must have got hidden in a fold or something. When I counted the rollers it was like a Dirty Harry thing "was there 27 or 28 needles, are you feeling lucky Punk?" That was the shortest ride I EVER had on a rebuild!
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Offline MJL

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2023, 03:32:56 AM »
These are the threads I love... and hate. Because, it means I have to post up my stories of stupidity.

My first bike was a kz440. One day it wouldn't start, and I couldnt figure out why. There was spark i think, and i could hear gas sloshing in the tank. So, I decided to push the bike to the only other guy I knew who owned a bike, several miles across town. He looked it over, turned the peacock to reserve, and it started right up.
   This 440 had a bad starter motor and no Kickstart, So it had to be push started. Usually it started pretty easily and ran great. One night on my way home from work I stopped for gas, and the bike wouldn't start afterward. I tried a half dozen times, going in circles around the gas station with no result. I then went to the parking lot next door where I had more room. After several more tries and being fairly tired and frustrated (it was about 3:30 am) I stopped and just sat on the bike. I happened to look at the handlebars and saw the kill switch was off. It started right away after that, and as I type this out, I realized that with all the push starting I did, I could have pushed it home as I was only two blocks away.
No matter how fast or how far I rode, I couldn't leave her memory behind.

Offline MJL

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2023, 04:28:45 AM »
More stories... too much to type on my phone.

In 2000 my grandpa's 81 cb650 was given to me. It was all original, with about 6000 miles on it. The 4-1 pipes rusted out, and i had band-aided it with hose clamps and pop cans. that is just a temporary fix, because the aluminum can eventually blows a hole as well. So, I repaired it with a Mac 4-1 exhaust. I found that the bike didn't run as well afterward. I tried pods, but didn't like getting filter oil on my pants so the original airbox went back in. I replace the stock filter with a K&N. I got a jet kit and installed that as per the instructions. Still, no better. I'd be lucky to do 60 on the highway. Going back through the jet kit troubleshooting guide, it said to wrap duct tape around the airfilter and cover half of it. If it runs better, do this, if it runs worse, do that. No change. I covered 3/4 of the filter with no change. I stopped and thought about it... if restricting airflow doesn't change anything, what if i increased airflow? I pulled the tape off and removed the filter, leaving the cover off. That bike ran like never before!  Since then I put the filter back in with some fender washers to hold it in place.
    That bike, the cb650, developed a top end leak, so I tore the engine down to re-gasket it. My best friend was there and wanted to scrape the carbon off the pistons. I didn't see the harm in that, so I let him. He decided to take the pistons off the rods to clean them, and in replacing one he dropped a circlip in the bottom. We looked everywhere, turned it upside down, everything and ended up splitting the case to find it. when I reassembled it, I wasn't 100% confident I did it correctly so I took it to a shop. It was about $600 for their guy to reassemble the engine. He said everything was good, except that I put RTV on the mating surfaces between the rods/crank journals.
    I had a Buell XB12 for about a decade. I put in a lower final gearset and to do that you need to put a plate between the sprockets to lock them in order to get them loose. I did that, swapped out the sprockets, put the plate in the other way to torque them, and put the cover back on. A few days later, about a week before I was going to leave for North Carolina to ride the roads down there, and the motor locked up. I tried to rock the bike, nothing. I let the bike sit while I rode my Harley down south. When I got back, I found the plate I had used to lock the sprockets inside the cover jammed in the chain and sprockets. Fortunately it didn't seem to hurt anything, but I kicked myself over not taking the time to just pop that cover and look.
    Worst thing on my cb750 was swapping to a GL1000 front end. I ran that for several years, put the bike in storage, and when I went to put the bike back on the road I decided to swap back to the stock front end, but I can't find it. I know I had it when I moved, but now it is just gone.

When I was a kid I armor-all'd my bicycle seat once. After that, I'd armor-all the bike seats of other kids and watch them slide off.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2023, 04:35:21 AM by MJL »
No matter how fast or how far I rode, I couldn't leave her memory behind.

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2023, 12:01:05 PM »
I put a new piston on my Husky OR-250, and decided to repaint the barrel.  The high-heat paint instructions stated it would cure better if done in a oven for an hour.  Since the wife wasn't home, I preheated the oven, and placed the cylinder in it.  An hour later I removed the barrel from the oven, and the cylinder sleeve fell out  ???

Luckily, I managed to reinstall the sleeve, and get the ports lined-up.  I re-heated the cylinder, and chilled the sleeve in the freezer.  Then, I slid the liner in place, and quickly jammed a tapered piece of wood in the exhaust port. 

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2023, 06:28:10 PM »
I like reading these stories.
They make me feel SO much better...
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Offline RAFster122s

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2023, 08:46:08 PM »
HondaMan, we have all done boneheaded things, just a matter of whether we are willing to share the stories or not.
David- back in the desert SW!

Offline dave500

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2023, 01:13:43 AM »
im also guilty,very guilty of the blocked induction scenario,years ago on an easter weekend we went camping with 4 or 5 guys n bikes,i had an old 73 yammy dt400,i fully prepped it with new plug and because the seat was mostly exposed foam i wrapped an old plastic rain coat around it,bike wouldnt run properly,never got to ride it that weekend,had the carby off a few times,not until i got home i realised i had smothered the air intake under the seat,#$%* im a dumb #$%*?

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #41 on: April 28, 2023, 07:49:26 AM »
Back in the  60s I pushed my bike about 1 1/2 miles because the trans would not shift then found the chain had slipped off. Didn't know you had to adjust that thing. ;D

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #42 on: April 28, 2023, 08:27:16 AM »
Back in 1980 I bought my first brand new bike. A CB 650 Custom and on the second day of owning it I pulled up to my friends house to show him the bike. I got off all proud of it but forgot to put the kickstand down. I thought my friend was going to die laughing. It cost me a mirror and a clutch lever. :o
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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2023, 02:25:49 PM »
Pouring oil into the crankcase of my KLR 650 BEFORE installing the drain plug........

Reminds me of what I did as a teen with the family boat:

Launched it into the lake WITHOUT the drain plug installed in the transom!  Did it once. The plug in our current boat never comes out...ha!

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2023, 02:35:21 PM »
I like reading these stories.
They make me feel SO much better...

Thankful for everyone on this forum. Grateful to continue to learn so much.

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Offline MJL

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2023, 03:59:00 PM »
Pouring oil into the crankcase of my KLR 650 BEFORE installing the drain plug........

Reminds me of what I did as a teen with the family boat:

Launched it into the lake WITHOUT the drain plug installed in the transom!  Did it once. The plug in our current boat never comes out...ha!

Mine comes out in the fall, and stays in the boat right next to the drain.
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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2023, 08:33:30 AM »
I survived 2000km with lower fork yoke bolts and fork top bolts only hand tight after servicing the forks - only discovered this at the next service. Bike handles better now.

Also survived 150kms with handlebar clamp bolts hand tight after changing the bars from European to US style.

Replaced a battery on a Bonneville with a slightly taller one for a test ride. All was well until I sat on the bike. Then clouds of white smoke appeared between my legs. With weight on, the seat obviously touched the battery terminals causing a short and burning out the main wire.

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2023, 04:50:21 PM »
My first bike, CZ250, two stroke, two cylinder died on me and I ended up pushing it through Prague from one hill to another hill about 6 kilometers.  I just was not able to fix it where it died.

After a long afternoon session involving my friend we found out I swapped spark plug cables L to R and R to L. 
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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #48 on: May 03, 2023, 05:41:14 PM »
When I was 12, I got a new, 1969 Benelli Mini Enduro.  The first time I rode it in the rain, the engine quit.  I fiddled with it for a while, until I figured out that the front tire had thrown water on the spark plug cap.  The Italian plug cap was made from solid plastic or Bakelite, without the rubber seal that an NGK cap has around the plug.  I removed the cap, dried the inside with my T-shirt, reinstalled it, and continued on. 

A mile or two later, the bike misfired a few times, and I realized that water had gotten in the plug cap again.  Rather than stopping, I reached down to wiggle the cap, to see if that would fix it.  I almost dumped the bike from the huge electric shock that I received.  That was my introduction to high voltage.   :(

The next day I went to a motorcycle dealer and bought a Sparky plug cap. 

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Re: Dumbest Things We've Done To A Motorcycle
« Reply #49 on: May 03, 2023, 06:47:20 PM »
Also survived 150kms with handlebar clamp bolts hand tight after changing the bars from European to US style.

again, it involves pike nuts....changed the bar clamp bolts to pike ones, all went well until i hit the front brakes hard to avoid hitting a car, the bars slipped round and ended up pretty much upside down
i blame Terry