Big progress day yesterday. Goals for that day were.
1. Wake up at 2:45AM, be at work at 3:30AM
Not achieved, set alarm to 245PM and woke up at 3:45AM, no biggie, got there at 4:30 and worked until 10:30.
2. Mow lawn, done.
3. Drain oil from oil pan and tank, done
4. Grab a Dorman 090-040CD Oil Drain Plug Standard M20-1.50 from O'Reilly and drill and tap it 1/8 NPT to install a fluid filled pressure gauge I had. Done.
5. Remove spark plugs and squirt a little engine oil in each cyl. Done
6. Add new oil, had Mobil 1 5-30 on hand from an a vehicle I no longer have so used it, goal is just to warm it up with that oil in there a few times and drain. Done.
7. Crank to achieve oil pressure, Done, 450 lbs cranking.
This was really as far as I thought I would get yesterday

, the rest is bonus.
8. Replace spark plugs, forgot how much fun the inner two are to get to.
9. Hook up no gas tank fuel feed. Done
10. Check each float bowl, rinse out with brake clean, done.
11. Turn on fuel and start engine, got it to run on 3, cyl 1 pipe not warming up. Removed that float bowl, bone dry, needle was stuck up. Removed needle and seat, cleaned, then it ran on 4 cyl but cyl one carb overflow was dribbling. Float was dragging on one side and could not go fully up, fixed that and it runs on 4 now. 80PSI oil pressure anything over 2krpm or so. The Dorman plug leaks oil. The oil drain plug gasket included plainly is not designed for anything but static pressure. Will reinstall stock galley plug once I get a new O ring for it. Just wanted to make sure I had oil pressure to begin with before I fired the engine. Had never checked it's oil pressure as long as I have had it.
Mice had moved into my Windjammer years ago when I did a resurrection of the bike and I had made some new wires and something is amiss there, ordered a 6 pin Deutsch connector pigtail from the zon of am and will redo that stuff. My H4 bulb was burned out too so grabbed one of those from Mao mart, and an 1157 LED tail-brake, and I have two accessory tail lights that take 1156, put LED in them too. Buddy game those to me and when I got them they had 1156 in them which were SUPER bright but IMHO too much amperage draw so I had found a smaller bulb that fit 1156 socket, the LED 1156 should be fine though.