Look at an image of a paint stirrer.
Look at the holes in #1. You need something to fit in the holes to drive it with a drill.
Or turn it by hand and keep trying it..I wouldn’t prime it until you’re planning on starting it.
a mixture of a heavier oil mixed with Stp (just for the pump priming) may give you protection from losing your prime while reinstalling it..
Ohhhh alright! That makes sense and make it alot easier than turning by hand.
I think I'm going to buy a used oil pump, rebuild it and then try all this all over again.
If it doesn't work after that then I might just say screw it and start it up. I would seriously hate to ruin the motor at this point after pouring so much money into the bike, but I've read several threads of people saying they couldn't get pressure but started it up anyway and got pressure within a few seconds.