My K6 had full advance before 2000rpm. This with Pamco ignition. Totally impossible to get it running evenly. Then with CX-7 cam. (Close to Megacycle 125-75)
Thanks to Hondaman's written thoughts and other forum members experiences I could fix it by cutting the springs.
After that fix full advance at around 2600 rpm, maybe a little later, but not after 2700rpm. That is explained in the old thread when I had that problem late 2013.
After Pamco I used TEC points with Hondaman unit and Dyna-S since dyno runs indicated eventually bouncing points after 8000 rpm.
An engine with hotter cam get more stable idle this way holding the advance.
Also a stock.
This is visible with timing lamp, marks will be seen as stable, not jumping around.
My K2 that is almost fully stock except for Cruzinimage +0.50mm K7 pistons, K7 cam and Yamiya no numbers 4-4.
I could not get the TEC ignition to retard enough so F lined up with case mark. Plate max clockwise.
It was an irritating mm or 2 advanced. I tried with points at max gap.
I cut the springs and it lined up exact at full clockwise position.
Also that bike got later a Dyna-S.
With Dyna-S no problem with ignition plate not enough clockwise.
It work fine in the middle to start with, fine tune with timing lamp at idle.
My K6 original advancer springs were really sloppy. I could rotate cam several degrees until springs hold it back.
Better when springs hold the cam from the first degree.
My K6 that has been rather modified, now with 970cc, ported head, Megacycle 125-75 cam and very responsive Mikuni TMR32 flatslide carbs runs very evenly when carbs are properly jetted.
The nice idle and relatively smooth rpm increase at take offs should not be possible with too early advance.
That cam is often seen as rather hot but behaves good with stable idle at 1200rpm. 1000rpm is possible but the rather high compression make it to run rather hard, 1200rpm work better.
I prefer 1200rpm on my almost stock K2 too. Easier at take offs, ensure oil pressure too.
I doubt that a Dyna 2000 with 4 different advance curves without advancer unit should make anything better.
Stock advancer with cut springs deliver what needed.
I have it documented on Dyno charts

The racer guys should save money using Dyna-S with stock advancer with cut springs instead of buying the more expensive Dyna 2000 avoiding the advancer.
Cut springs will not harm the engine, only doing better.

If cutting one loop on one side of a spring, the loop that is attached to something. Bend out the outer end and a new loop is made. Form it with 2 pliers and hook it in place.