It what I will call a learning experience, my electronic ignition arrived in the mail today. Figuring it wouldn't be a huge job to swap it over, I pulled the points off, and commenced to the install. Everything went decently well, until I got to adding the magnetic pickup on to the advance mechanism. While it took me a second to realize, there's a little locator pin to help you reference the points lobe. Problem is, the Tytronic ignition doesn't account for this pin. I tried to remove it, and it wasn't budging.
Now, I'm REALLY not a fan of doing something that I can't UNdo later, and to get this ignition to fit I would've had to grind off this pin. And that wasn't something I was comfortable doing.
Long story short, the electronic ignition is back in the box, and a points plate with genuine Tec points and condensers is in the mail.
(It's a bit of a weird setup. I replaced both points with afermarket at the same time, and while 2/3 conked out, 1/4 has been humming just fine. That said, WAY back I was getting some bad arcing from 2/3, so I replaced the condenser, and JUST that condenser. That was probably aftermarket too, and while it's not that old, I'm curious if that's accounting for the dodgier-that-usual spark. Ah well. The whole mess is getting replaced once the points arrive, so I'll find out one way or the other.)