That yellow paint indicated which end of the spring goes on top. When the factory is building hundreds of heads and has thousands of springs it makes it easy to know which end goes up.
That 45 degree valve face is hammered. The contact width should be .060....that looks to be about double that and it is recessed as well. Dynoman sells F2 valves for cheap and they are better quality. OEM Honda valves are as soft as a grape.
I have used F2 in valves in my K6 head.
The first set got mushroomed tips within 10000 km so the tips had to be grinded to take out.
Engine got new the year after. Same thing shortly.
So stock F2 valves are wrongly made. Cannot be hardened, soft as a mushroom.
Dynoman valves as Mike wrote.
They also have titanium retainers that keep up better.