Author Topic: 400F Cam Questions?  (Read 1083 times)

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400F Cam Questions?
« on: March 12, 2007, 06:58:57 PM »
While I was looking at my cam on my 400F today, I noticed I was able to roll the cam back and forth a little. Is that normal???

I grabbed the cam sprocket, and just went back and forth very little. I was able to look at my VF500 motor which has a automatic cam chain tensioner, and it's chain is really tight with no back and forth movement in the cams.

 I did the manual way of adjusting the cam chain with the 400 running, but could it be, I was using too light of a pressure on the tensioner shaft?

 You think I should just copy the tension of the VF500 motors cam chain???

 I really don't know how tight a cam chain should be..... And was hoping someone could give me a little education on this.

 Here's a picture of my 400 super sport. It went under a lot of work in 1 month and will probably be another week till she's ready for spring weather.
My rides:
75' 76' Honda CB400F Super Sports
86' Honda XR600R for Street Madness
84' Honda Interceptor VF500

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80' Honda CX500C Fully Dressed
81' Honda CB650C very nice!
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78' Hondamatic 400 Hawk
80' 81' 82' Honda GL500 Silverwing Insterstate

Offline gregk

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Re: 400F Cam Questions?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2007, 08:06:52 AM »

I too went through my 400 this winter and have the same questions.  I read all the threads which had anything to do with the cam chains and was able to free up the tensioner (which was frozen).  I had to take the head off to heli coil a new plug so the motor was out of the frame.  The cam chain tensioner seemed to take up the slack when I replaced the cam sproket on the cam.  I have read that this adjustment should be made while the motor is running.  The cam chain still makes noise (louder than my 750).  Someone noted that you could put some pressure on the tensioner while the motor is running and eliminate the noise.  Were these motors noisy from the factory?  Can you put too much tension on the adjuster?

I don't want it to go like a motorcycle, I want it to go like a rocket!

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Re: 400F Cam Questions?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2007, 08:15:09 AM »
as a fellow cb400f owner i can say the cam chain on these bikes is the worst thing about them. since im still new to bikes i dont have too much knowldege to lend. the tensioner bolt just above the oil filter can adjust some of the slack. chances are better that the tensioner blades which are plastic have gotten so worn down that adjust may not be possible. for way better advice checo out the cb400f yahoog group. solely dedicated to only these bikes with extremely knowledgeable people

you can defiently get an answer to any cb400f questions

hope this helps
good luck
1976 cb400f

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Re: 400F Cam Questions?
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2007, 08:46:46 AM »
The springs get weak and the pivot in the mechanism can be damaged beyond easy operation - even frozen completely solid - by a loose cam chain. After 30 years I doubt if any 400F hassprings strong enough that the adjuster works as described in the manual, I haven't found one.
Remove the bolt above the cam adjuster lock screw. It just plugs the hole made for the adjuster, it doesn't hold anything in. Push a small screwdriver or nail in the hole so it hits the top of the adjuster actuating rod. Loosen the lock bolt and turn the engine BACKWARDS. The rod should move upwards a bit if it's free, if not the mechanism is stiff or jammed. If it moves, set the crank to TDC 1-3. Advance the engine (forwards) about 15 degrees (the spring plate on the advancer should be just past the timing pointer) and the cam should be set in a place where it isn't pulling the chain backwards, and slack should be at the back of the engine. Now push down on the rod with your screwdriver or nail to help the tired old spring a bit, and tighten the lock bolt and its locknut. Be gentle, stripping the threads is a bad idea. Now you can try the engine and see if it's quiet, and use a bit more force if it still rattles. Replace the plug bolt when you're happy. Brute force may really quiet down the chain but will quickly wear the sliders and stretch the chain, so don't overdo it.
The original chain is prone to some stretching and should be replaced with a high strength type, either riveted (easyish job with engine in frame) or endless (complete engine dismantling required) if you want the best. A stretched chain isn't fatal but will affect cam timing. The cam chain rarely breaks... but it does happen and that destroys a LOT of expensive parts.
The tensioner sliders are still available, but may be unobtanium soon.

Offline LoopsAndLogic

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Re: 400F Cam Questions?
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2007, 11:06:38 AM »
I adjusted the cam chain till the links of the chain going down in the front of the engine didn't come off the teeth of the sprocket.

Seemed to have worked pretty well. I will definitely try that Yahoo group.

 Any of you guys know, when a cam chain is too tight???

My rides:
75' 76' Honda CB400F Super Sports
86' Honda XR600R for Street Madness
84' Honda Interceptor VF500

Past Rides:
80' Honda CX500C Fully Dressed
81' Honda CB650C very nice!
83' Kawasaki KZ550 A3
78' Hondamatic 400 Hawk
80' 81' 82' Honda GL500 Silverwing Insterstate