Which banjo bolt (hose A or hose B)?
How long ago were any of the brake parts serviced? Chances are part of that goop made it's way into your caliper, but this is more a symptom of the larger issue. Those holes are small and clog easy. You will most likely need to clean it out.
I would go top to bottom and clean/inspect/flush the system completely. If the lines are old (and have had the same fluid in them for a long time), it's going to be at the point of no return.
Start with master -> Free of goop? Diaphragm good? Piston seals good?
Hose B to 3-way joint -> Unobstructed? Free of goop?
3-way joint -> Unobstructed? Free of goop?
Hose A to Pipe -> Unobstructed? Free of goop?
Pipe to caliper -> Unobstructed? Free of goop? Not bent?
Caliper -> Seal is new, Did you lube the seal when you put it in? Free of goop behind piston?
**Don't mean to belabor the point going part by part, but I have found it better than chasing your tail and just pushing the goop in-between parts.