got hit by a wombat a few years ago ( for those of you unfamiliar with this native australian beast, imagine something about the size of a labrador with very short legs and no neck, solid lump of stupid, about 80-90lbs )
i was riding up into the hills where i used to live which has solid forest both sides of the road with the occasional house, just coming into my favourite corner and i saw a dark lump detach itself from the side of the road and dart towards me, for a lump of animal with teeny little legs they move fast ) i didn't have time to react before it hit me in the right ankle and pushed the Vmax a couple of feet across the road towards the downhill bank of the road. i stopped with the intention of going back and enquiring after its health ( or kicking its head in ) , it had already moved on, pitch dark so i couldnb't see anything.
it was about this time i realised that my right ankle felt quite damaged and i needed to get home, kept riding and when i got home and told Mrs Spotty she a) enquired after the wellbeing of the stupid marsupial, and b) said it was my own fault for doing over 50mph on a 30mph road