Went out for a 20 mile ride this afternoon, got home and parked inside garage.
Went back out to the bike 30 mins later to move to its resting spot and discovered a puddle of oil on the right side.
It appears the front most hose is wet, weeping.
What's best way to repair, take them to a hydraulic shop? or just buy new re-po parts?
Anything I need to be aware of if I take them to a hydraulic shop?
The hoses can be a thorny issue!
The hoses appear from time to time at Yamiya.
The K3/4/5/6 return-side hoses often crack nowadays because their angle is slightly 'off' at the tank end, from the beginning. This stresses the hose's rubber liner at the tank's bung, and they crack and weep now.
Things to watch for if making hoses:
Hydraulic shops may have a hard time getting the correct crimp positions to let it fit properly: the issue is expressly that the outer hose's crimp ridges must clear the inner hose's engine fitting (look at them from above and you will see this feature) or else the new crimp ring will interfere with the suction hose's engine fitting. So, if you go to a hose shop, talk with them about maybe using A/C (freon) hose line and crimp rings, and bring pictures (view from above) of the hoses installed at the engine so they understand the issue. I have spent hundred$$ so far trying to replicate these hoses with non-Honda (or USA standard parts), and so far have only been successful at making ones that will fit the 750K0/1/2 bikes, marginally.
While some have installed the chrome-braid-covered oil hoses (found here and there on the 'net) they are a VERY tight fit between engine and frame (bigger OD), and some have weeped oil, causing stripped threads at the engine when the owners kept tightening the 6mm bolts because they thought the fittings were leaking. (Then the bike gets parked and/or the crank bearings spun from low/no oil pressure.) Be aware that the chrome-braided hoses are larger OD, which causes this issue.