Author Topic: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F  (Read 10780 times)

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Offline Oddjob

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #50 on: August 02, 2024, 08:18:58 AM »
In the UK the single brace was fitted to the 550F2 and the 550K3, when Honda dropped the gaiters or bellows as you seem to call them they modernised the front end by dropping the front brace as well.

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #51 on: August 02, 2024, 08:26:06 AM »
The bike in the link you posted appears to have some aftermarket parts - muffler and stator cover, so maybe the fender has been changed too? [all just up for discussion, not trying to be difficult, Chris]

Coincidentally, appears that same bike is pictured in the 550 model guide along with two others...

I noticed the muffler, too. But there are other images. I mean, I don't really care, I like the two-strut fender so I'm going with it. It was just curiosity, Maybe others switched them out for ascetic reasons too and none came from the factory like that...

Running to the hardware store to see what I can find to put it all back together. Yesterday I used a glue (like shoe goo) to make my own spacers for under the struts, gluing together layers of rubber gasket material then drilling a hole through it after it dried. Looks like it will do the trick.

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #52 on: August 02, 2024, 08:34:45 AM »
In the UK the single brace was fitted to the 550F2 and the 550K3, when Honda dropped the gaiters or bellows as you seem to call them they modernised the front end by dropping the front brace as well.

Ah, here we go (potentially). What about the F1? Two struts?

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2024, 08:41:23 AM »
Yeah 2 struts because it still had the gaiters fitted, they even still had the front number plate fitted in some countries

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #54 on: August 06, 2024, 05:33:07 PM »
Started working on replacing some stuff last week but had to set it down before I finished as we went out of town for the weekend. But I have the speedo ring replaced and today I replaced the fork ears and fender. The new fender looks great -- I'll post photos in a few days as I'm working in the dark basement garage at this point. Got the wiring reconnected and the right flasher didn't work. Then I figured since the bucket I took off was metal and there was only one ground attached on the right -- perhaps it was the ground. Yep -- ran a small external wire to the other side's grounded fork ear and there you go. Now I really do need those nut/washer thingies (started another thread looking for these) with the ground wires for the headlight mount (although I am going to rig something for now so I can get it back on the road).

Couple more things to go for now -- oil and filter change but also changing over to the stock oil filter housing. And I've got to run new fuel line -- when I worked on it in Seattle I just put together bits and pieces of line that I had laying around (with filters -- yes I run 'em).

Down the road I'll probably replace the seat cover and I need to get the grab bar signal mounts bent or the spare I have rechromed. And the headers... Then it'll be done... unless I can find a pedestrian slicer.

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #55 on: August 26, 2024, 11:07:52 AM »
The end of an Orwellian nightmare might just be in sight...

After 7 trips to SEMOVI and 4 to REPUVE, and after entering my info online three times, I went to SEMOVI in person today and they've started the process and accepted the paperwork.

I had to submit paperwork online, and the first time I did it it was rejected (after 10 days or so) while I was in Seattle, so I didn't have access to the paperwork to make the corrections (scans in color). So I submitted two weeks ago or so when I got back. Ten days later, rejected again -- needed both sides of my title, and they said I didn't get my inspection at REPUVE (even though I did). Rescanned both sides of the title and sent a copy of the REPUVE receipt and... rejected again, again listing those things that I had corrected. I began to feel like I was in the movie Brazil.

So after a stewing in frustration over the weekend I said "fuggit," went to SEMOVI again in person. The person in front of me was a lady who was complaining and begging and trying the guy's patience. I thought I{d have no chance. I told him my deal and he said "wait here." I waited for 15 minutes while he helped other people, keeping a stone face. Then he went and got someone, and she brought me inside. She went over my paperwork, said everything is in order, told me to wait up to 2 weeks and they will send me a form to go pay at the bank, then make an appointment, come in, and pick up my plates and paperwork. It's been a rollercoaster, and I'm enjoying being optimistic, but guardedly so -- I know something could go wrong and I don't have my plates in hand, so we will see.

Another plus -- DSS sent me stuff here to Mexico (CMS wouldn't) and it arrived, safe and sound. Replacing the clutch and speedo cables, and got an oil pan gasket. Gonna drop the pan when I change the oil, and convert it back to a stock oil filter set up.

Checked the plugs and adjusted the valves and timing. last week. A couple valves a little off with a little click that's now disappeared. One of the tappet covers was rounded so it went in the trash and I luckily had a spare. Timing was spot on. Gonna check the carb sync this week when I do the oil change and then I should be sorted.

And I will post photos. Rode in some drizzle a couple times and it needs a wash.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #56 on: August 27, 2024, 07:28:24 AM »
The end of an Orwellian nightmare might just be in sight...

After 7 trips to SEMOVI and 4 to REPUVE...

Wow, Chris, seems you have been incredibly patient.
I prolly would have given up and just kept riding it illegally.
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #57 on: August 27, 2024, 07:32:45 AM »
The end of an Orwellian nightmare might just be in sight...

After 7 trips to SEMOVI and 4 to REPUVE...

Wow, Chris, seems you have been incredibly patient.
I prolly would have given up and just kept riding it illegally.

I get the feeling I probably could have, although at some point I'd start paying bribes. I also thought about just putting the plate from my 350F on there, but I'm still riding it around at the moment. School has started for kids again which means traffic just got much heavier, and while out on the 550 I realized how much more nimble the 350 is for splitting lanes (slowly, cautiously). I've got clubmans and one bar end mirror on the 350 and the 550 is stock, so I've got to be careful about hitting car mirrors with the bike's mirrors...

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #58 on: September 25, 2024, 12:39:51 PM »
The rollercoaster ride has ended, plate and circulation card finally in hand, and I did it myself.

went to an appt two weeks ago, schedule for 11. Went at 10:30. At 12 I went up to the window, and forked over my paperwork. Everything was in order, but I had to pick up my son at 1:15 so I had to leave at 12:45 at the absolute latest. 12:10 they tell me to take a seat. 12:20 they call me back up. fill out another form, sign that I had received my card and plate (even though I hadn't). But wait... there is some kind of glitch. "Have a seat," she said, "we will call you in a few minutes." I told her I was just going to keep standing by the window. 12:40 comes around, there is still some kind of glitch, and I explain I have to go pick up my son and ask how much longer it will take. "No idea." I ask what I can do, in a clam measured voice,  and the woman literally starts talking to herself. I turn and ask the guy next to her, calmly, no annoyance in my voice, and he acts like he is super pissed. "We can just cancel it if that's what you want." "No, I don't want to cancel, but I do have to pick up my son. Any idea how much longer?" "No, do you want to cancel?" I cancelled -- I had to pick up my son -- and they said I could make another appointment.

That was today, fro 10:30. Got there 15 minutes early, got my window assignment, took a seat. I brought work to read, keeping an ear out for my name. At 11:30 a guy comes out into the waiting area -- the computers are down. You can reschedule and make another appointment, or you can wait if you want. I went up to a window, asked the guy when it was my turn, and he said one person before me. I told him I would wait.

System came back on. All my docs were in order. Signed the final form (again saying I had my card and plate before I received them). "I'll be right back with your plate and card." "I will believe it when I see it," I thought. Sure enough, he handed them over. Raced home, got a torta on the way to celebrate, and I'm going to put the plate on right now. I'm legal.

Got a few more things to do -- gonna check the carb sync. Gonna change the oil and put a stock filter housing back on. Gonna drop the pan while I am at it. Then header and bent grab bar to the chromer. I ordered the push button replacement for the tank lid and it came a couple days ago, so I will get to that eventually too. Then I am good. Will check into putting an airbox back on although it runs pretty well with pods, plugs look great, and that has been a problem with my 350F here at 7500 feet. A wash this weekend -- some guy on a newer bike pulled up at a light after I left SEMOVI to tell me there was a motorcycle show in Santa Fe, close to me, this weekend. Maybe I'll go... since I'm legal now.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 08:00:36 AM by carnivorous chicken »

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #59 on: September 26, 2024, 07:50:30 AM »
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #60 on: October 12, 2024, 12:39:44 PM »
Been lagging on updating this, mostly because It's been rainy season and I wanted to wash it but didn't see the point. Don't ride in the rain regularly but during rainy season frequently get caught in it, from a drizzle to a downpour.. It hasn't rained in two days, looks like the season is over, so I took it out for a wash.

Cleans up pretty nicely, definitely not perfect. I'm going to rechrome the header and grab bar (after straightening), and a couple other pieces, including the stock fender if they can straighten it. The black mark on the header is from my shoes -- the brake lever is bent inward (my nephew tipped it over twice when he had it, one on each side) and if I'm not paying attention my shoe brushes the header and leaves a little rubber behind. Shifter has a small bend in it too. May rechrome the ring around the headlight -- it looks great, but in strong light shows some pitting.

The stator cover plate went on nicely and is staying in place with just the stays.

I bought a stock headlight bucket but it was pretty sun faded and had a couple dings, so I filled it, and rattle canned it (with a rattle can clear). It's not perfect and shows some texture, at some point I will work on it again. But I got the correct bolts with ground wires for inside the bucket (DSS shipped to Mexico, so that's good to know). LHS turn signal has been rewired so the wires are red and black, but it works fine. Might clean up the turn signals or replace as they have a little pitting and some scratches, but they work for now. And I'm keeping it as stock as I can, so big turn signals it is.

I removed the oil filter adaptor and replaced it. The filter housing is off of a 400F, just one I had laying around. I scraped it and repainted it -- looks a little new compared the rest of the engine but I'm sure it was start attracting dirt in its own time. Had an OEM small head filter bolt as well. The top of the housing, where the little tab on the filter is supposed to fit in a space on the engine, fits jsut fine but sticks out a little -- I think the things it fits into are more pronounced on a 400F. Seals up just fine. Took off and inspected the oil pan. Cleaned it up.

The replacement front fender from Vietnam works and looks good. It had some issues -- including the brake line holder and the screws for the struts, but it came together just fine.

I'm heading to PHX in a few weeks, and have a few more things I want to get. I want to replace all of the allen bolts -- just don't like 'em. I have a ton of old bolts sitting around in PHX and some here so I will look there first, then order what I don't have. One of the tappet covers stripped when I adjusted the valve lash a while ago. I had a spare here but I'll probably order 4 new ones so I've got spares again (and the nice new ones will face out). Crankcase cover screws, alternator cover screws, carb top screws -- all gonna be replaced. Head cover as well -- it's weeping just a little, not enough for me to worry about and also not enough for me to worry about replacing the screws. I'll replace the seal when it gets worse. The allen bolts actually dig into the tappet covers.

It's in really nice shape, but it's going to remain a rider. There are a couple scuffs on the muffler but I think I'll just leave it be. It needs a new chain and sprockets, that's on my list too (and luckily there is no damage to the seal under the crankcase cover from a too-wide chain). It's been fun riding it around -- I've got a 350F here that has a pretty tired (and smoky over 5k rpm) engine, and so I keep it pretty close to home. The 550F has been great for linger trips and ripping around. I ran a couple errands today and took the long way home. Pretty happy with the stuff I've done so far, have a few more things on the list, but it's a blast so far.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 12:46:08 PM by carnivorous chicken »

Offline Oddjob

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2024, 01:54:15 PM »
Just some pointers you are of course free to ignore. The later style crankcase bolts Honda adapted to after around 1980, namely those flanged 8mm headed bolts used on all Honda bikes since then will not foul the tappet covers, unlike as you've found out socket headed bolts do. Try, no matter what screw/bolts you fit in the forward facing camcover bolt holes, to avoid having threads exposed at the bottom, unless they are stainless they'll rust for fun and will have a tendency to strip all the thread out of the head when you try and remove them at some point. Those same 8mm headed bolts are available from Honda new for every casing on the 550, including those really long ones on the clutch cover.

The carb top screws should be longer than Honda stated, the stated size barely engages on the threads and the spring washers can actually pull the threads out of the carb body as you try and tighten them up. Run a 6mm tap down them until it comes out of the bottom of the fitting, sometimes this pushes out a small disc of metal, sometimes it's no longer there, measure how much distance between the cap and the bottom of the flange and you'll see how much of the thread was left unused, around 20mm is what I fit instead of 14mm as stated by Honda.

I have one NOS 550F brake lever left if it's of interest to you.

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2024, 07:12:00 PM »
Appreciate it.

I haven't had the same kind of issues with stock bolts and removing the tappet covers. Maybe I've been lucky.

I'm trying to replace these bolts with old, original ones -- they'll match the bike. If it was a year or two ago, I'd just roll over to Bob's salvage in PHX and pluck them out and they probably wouldn't have charged me. I'm still gonna try there first, see what I can find, and if I can't then I'll buy oem. None of the bolt are particularly important where they are, most are just holding covers on.

PM me with a price on the lever if you like. I'm guessing if it's NOS it's probably out of my range for this bike, but lemme know.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2024, 07:00:24 AM »
Bike looks good, Chris.   As much as I like my 750, my 550F is every bit as much fun to ride and is a little more nimble in the tight turns and loves to scream up to 8Krpm!
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Oddjob

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2024, 07:12:00 AM »
You thinking of using the standard JIS screws or replacing the 6mm flanged and unflanged engine bolts? Or both.

Cost of postage to Mexico would make the lever too expensive I'm afraid. Should have thought of that before mentioning it.

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2024, 08:30:01 AM »
You thinking of using the standard JIS screws or replacing the 6mm flanged and unflanged engine bolts? Or both.

Cost of postage to Mexico would make the lever too expensive I'm afraid. Should have thought of that before mentioning it.

Standard JIS from an old engine, if I can find them.

I'll be in the US in 3 weeks and again over Xmas. I go every few months.

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #66 on: October 24, 2024, 04:27:04 PM »
Took care of some bits and pieces, getting rid of the allen bolts for originals. Found originals from my spare rack of 350F carbs and noticed that the tach mount was allen too -- so I replaced that.





Here's a nice view of the three kinds of fasteners they used to mount the head cover. Damn breather cover has two random allen bolts in it too. Hoping to score some stuff at Bob's in Phoenix in a couple weeks, or I'll just spring for new replacements.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2024, 04:29:00 PM by carnivorous chicken »

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #67 on: October 25, 2024, 09:51:14 AM »
I'm glad your fixing the mess that some PO did to that camshaft cover;I doubt they followed the book and I can see they didn't use TLC on that cover.
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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #68 on: November 12, 2024, 07:03:56 PM »

Quick trip to Phoenix, back to the 350F that's there, and another trip to Bob's.

I didn't rent a car this time -- prices were insane, and my friends have a Challenger that they said I could use. I also wanted to test the 350F I'd been working on. Previously I got it up and running and rode it around the block a few times, but that's it. This time I got it insured and got tags for it on the first day I was there. told the guy at the MVD I wanted to sign a non-use waiver as I had been working on the bike and not riding it, and it took him literally 25 minutes of staring into a computer screen before someone came over and asked if everything was OK. $30 later I was out the door.

I took it for a few laps and then headed down to Bob's -- I wanted to look for a few things and switch out the front tire. Couldn't get it to idle properly and it was running kind of hot, so I got home and parked it and the next day set aside a few hours to tinker. Turns out the idle mixture was way too lean, and once I had that straightened out (as well as tightening down the carb boots) it held a nice, steady idle. Took it on a 10-mile round trip including some freeway time, and it held up nicely. The Kerker is freakin' loud, no stuffing in there I imagine. Did a 15-minute once over with chrome polish but it's gonna need more than that for sure.

Switched out the front tire at Bob's (and forgot I had a nicer wheel I was going to keep, so I'll have to switch it out again). Bob's is hanging in there. Rod, the old owner, was there -- his son Eric had a surgery scheduled. While they were doing the tire I scoured the yard for a 550 -- Rod told me I could have the bolts if I wanted. He also gave me a mirror for the 350F. The good stuff is in the trailers in the yard -- there is still one full of carbs, including round tops and 550 and 350F/400F carbs. No 550s in the yard, but Rod told me I could look against the inside wall. Sure enough, there one was and I grabbed the bolts I needed. He said they're not making much money but still have some ebay sales and don't know how long they'll hang in there. That warehouse still has shelves and shelves of various stuff -- triple trees, body work, miscellaneous bits and pieces, emblems, tanks, seats, etc. The cats have run wild in there and the next day my helmet still smelled like cat piss (a cat didn't piss in it, I left in on the counter and it's just heavy in the air).

I bought Evaporust for the tank that came with the bike, and some rubber and cork stoppers. Poured it in with a foot length of chain, swished it around, and let it sit, moving it around every few hours over the 5 days I was there. It cleaned up pretty well but still has a tone of blotches. Might recoat it next time I go, and I'll have to rebuild that petcock. Decent fuel line will help. Wolf sent me the snorkel for my 550F airbox here in CDMX, and I have a new chrome ring for the tach (the one on it has a ding), so I've got some more tinkering to do down here.

I finally boxed up all the parts I'll bring down here to CDMX -- my brother will take them across the border for me and ship them. I listed a fwe things for sale my second to last day but no bites, I figure I will list them again a couple of weeks before I go back, probably April, and sell some of the stuff I bring down when I can go through it and see what I can part with.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #69 on: November 13, 2024, 07:36:30 AM »
Nice looking bike, Chris. That tank really pops!
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #70 on: November 13, 2024, 08:50:29 AM »
Thanks Stev-o! I was lucky to have some boxes of parts including the tank -- from an earlier abandoned project -- which meant I could get the bike up and running. The original tank is in great condition although the paint, like the side covers, is faded. I'm trying to figure out the long-term goal for this. It would be great to let it sit in my friends' garage and have a bike to ride when I go to Arizona, but I had also thought about bringing it down here and trying to do a complete restoration (I got a set of Busso 4-4 pipes with this in mind, prior to all of the insanity that entailed, although I do have them). I'm repainting a tank, side covers, and fork ears CBO. Now I know that the engine has good compression and seems to run pretty well, that answers some of the questions but I'm still thinking on where to go with it...

Offline seanbarney41

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #71 on: November 14, 2024, 06:36:46 AM »
Will you paint the original metallic black?  Such a cool color, in my opinion, but have not seen any re-painted that color.
If it works good, it looks good...

Offline carnivorous chicken

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #72 on: November 14, 2024, 07:03:05 AM »
Will you paint the original metallic black?  Such a cool color, in my opinion, but have not seen any re-painted that color.

I have a VMR kit for CBO, which is my favorite color. But it also means I will have a spare set of tank, side covers, and fork ears. Maybe I'll repaint them blue black metallic down the road. I actually have another BBM (har har) tank that is in pretty good shape, but no side covers or fork ears. It'll be way down the road though, although it looks like it's an easier process -- one less coat -- than CBO.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #73 on: November 14, 2024, 07:07:27 AM »
Will you paint the original metallic black?  Such a cool color, in my opinion, but have not seen any re-painted that color.

I have a VMR kit for CBO...

What is CBO?
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline seanbarney41

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Re: Got rid of my 550K... and replaced it with a 550F and a 350F
« Reply #74 on: November 14, 2024, 07:12:41 AM »
ok!  CBO=candy bachus olive....much easier than trying to remember how to spell that b word ha ha.  Took me a few to figure out CBO...certainly a fine color choice.
If it works good, it looks good...