Ha ha... yeah, I got a close riding buddy named Lucas. He shares a love of mid-sized classic Japanese fours... This Lucas is one of the most talented riders I have ever seen or met. As he has ridden dirt bikes nearly since birth, his control over a motorcycle is phenominal and he enjoys going fast, so the smaller, older bikes tend to keep him closer to the limits of legality. His attention span moves even faster than his riding and although he is a trained mechanic, he struggles to slow down and do things right... And struggles to stick to one bike for more than a few months. I will spend hours getting his latest acquisition dialed only to find he has sold it on and is starting fresh with some new to him, but beat up old heap. Sometimes I just have to say no! You can do it yourself! I need time for my own projects! His latest trick is to find a bike, sell it to me for a low enough price that I can't refuse, wait til I have it sorted, then buy it back at my profit...which of course never could quite cover how much time I got into it. But ahh well, he is a good friend, and we are both having lots of fun!