No, it's not normal.
The very first thing you need to do now to avoid breaking the pressure plate is: unscrew the 4 clutch bolts, 1 turn at a time, until they are out. This will relieve the extreme pressure that is currently on the cast-aluminum pressure plate, and they frequently break when assembled wrong, like this one.
Then, re-remove the hub and turn it until the splines drop back into place: you are "off" by a portion of 1 turn. This will seat the pressure plate into the splines as is correct. Then retighten those 4 bolts again on a closed-up clutch pack, 1 turn at a time.
Also: when removing that special nut (and washer) that holds this clutch to the mainshaft, make SURE the cupped side of the washer is toward the engine, not toward you. It must compress the washer as you torque that fancy nut down.