Finally getting back, I would say I am about 95% there. Overall synopsis in my case, about 3 to 4 really bad days, a lot of coughing and mucus, felt like crap, very low energy level, lost of taste, and a constant headache. Doctor had me on Paxlovid and a heavy duty cough suppressant, as soon as I took the last dose of the Paxlovid I started to feel better, it made me somewhat nauseous and leaves a horrible taste in your mouth. Funny thing I never ran a fever or had any substantial appetite loss. Currently I am back to daily exercise and cut grass yesterday where I promptly found a new yellow jacket nest with the push mower, when I have too I can still haul arse. I still have a cough and the taste thing is coming and going, basically I feel pretty much my old self. I will say this, the bout I had this time was a lot more severe than the first time around. I just hope that means the immunity factor lasts much longer.......