DON'T use aftermarket jetting, nor needles, nor needle jets, in the 350F carbs. The bike will barely run with that crap. And, it IS crap.
Jets do not wear out, nor change calibration over time. Even the MTBE we suffered in American fuels for over a decade didn't hurt the brass parts (it did hurt the carb bodies, different topic).
The modern float valves will be stiffer (in their springs) than the OEM versions. For this reason I set the bowls 1-2mm DEEPER of fuel than OEM settings, so the bowls won't run dry when the engine is at speed.
Just replace the rubber parts (O-rings and hoses - ALL the hoses, and especially the little bowl-vent hoses). The rest can be cleaned unless the float valves are just frozen from sitting for decades (although this can often be cleaned by soaking them a few days in lacquer thinner, keep them with their original valve seats).
This is how I've rebuilt all the 350F/400F carbs sent to me, for decades. No one has complained, yet!