Yes, the CB750 shopmanual and oil sticker say 10W-40 or 20W-50 without any details
Here the manual I got with my K6 when I bought it early 1979.
Here comment when to use 20W-50.
But this is up to the owner.
A modified CB750 with hotter cam, harder springs that have been shimmed for higher force need a good oil with viscosity intact.
Mineral oil or Synth. Synth withstand more abuse as higher temp before degrading.
It is the additives that make the higher viscosity. When worn, back to basic, 10 or 20 depending on which multigrade used.
You did not get this rather small Owner's manual with your bikes? Local language and oil recommendation as here.
Mine is used by my oily fingers in 1979 and a few years forward .