Thanks to "777" for suggesting pics -- Why? because it made me look at the carbs more closely, and, try to find pics in videos or books to display a bank of 4 carbs together to showcase these brass vents.
I couldn't find any available pics and I don't know how to put them in the forum anyway.
But, it did make me analyze this situation more completely. Honda (and other mfg's) will cast a carburetor body with "extra" passageways in it so the carb can fit more applications. The 750K uses 4 of the same "basic" carbs but #'s 1+2 are drilled for left side and 3+4 for the right (note pilot air screw access is on left side (1+2) and then on right side for 3+4)
Looking at the carbs from the air filter side, about 1/2 way down the carb body of #'s 2 (on it's right side) and 3 (on it's left side) there's maybe an 8" hose attached to a nipple. These hoses lead to the float bowl vents.
If the carb rack is off the bike, with the engine spigots resting on the bench remove the float bowls and floats. Looking into the "roof" of the float bowl area, there are two 1/4" diameter holes about 1 1/2" deep in each carb. Pressed into this hole at the bottom is the brass "float bowl air jet" which aligns with that 8" hose mentioned earlier.
Now, the mistake I made originally, is assuming because each carb body has two breather holes that each should also have a brass vent air jet. So, carb #'s 2+3 should each have two, carb #'s 1+4 should ONLY have one each. The two holes which are the most "outboard, closest to your left foot and right foot" when sitting on the bike are factory PLUGGED.
Pics would make this info much easier to visualize, so Mr Moderator if you deem this attempt at explanation too "convoluted" you can remove it.
The fix I'm going to attempt, find a round main jet with a similar hole size and rework the OD for a press fit as mentioned by grcamna2.
Thanks again, xrrevin
![Cool 8)](